Chapter 4 What Am I Gonna Do?

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I'm changing this into more of a play format why I can't stand writing it the other way unless its on paper but anyway carry on and enjoy. Oh also if there are things in my story that don't make sense I'm sorry I write so fast I don't attention

Neveah's POV

 I laid in my bed and cried most of the day. But I decided not to stay in bed all day. I went downstairs to get something to eat. There was a knock in the door. I walked over to the door and answered it. It was Ray.

Me-What do you want? I looked at him with hatred in my eyes

Ray-I came to say I'm sorry and that I love you. He tried hard not to start crying. He was failing sadly.

Me-You don't love me. You're saying that cause you don't want to lose the baby. Just leave me alone.

With that I closed the door went back to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Ray's POV

I walked away from her door step in tears I couldn't just believe what happened. I ruined everything I really do love here ugh what am I going to do?

I walked over to Jamie's house to ask her but I don't know how well this will work. When I got there I looked in her window and saw her with Prod making out.

What the hell? I asked myself. I wonder what she will do if I knocked on the door?

I knocked on the door and she took like 10 seconds to answer.

Jamie-Oh Ray it's you what do you want? she had lots of attitude

Ray-I wanted to ask you for your advice and I know I have no right to but I really need your help

Jamie-Come in. She moved aside to let me in the funny thing was Prod wasn't hiding and she just expect me to know what's going in here.

Prod-Hey man. I looked at him for a second until I replied.

Me-Hey. I walked over to Jamie's couch and sat down.

It was an akaward silence but I someone had to say something so I went ahead a spoke. "Ummm I know what I did was fucked up in so many ways but" I paused for a second thinking about fucked up things as I looked at Prod once again.

Me-I'm sorry but man what the hell are you doing here ain't Jamie with Roc I'm confused right now.

Jamie-He is none of your business

Me-Well if your cheating on my boy then he is my business

Jamie-Ugh I'm not cheating on Roc I broke up with him so I wouldn't cheat on him. He's going out with Ciara now. But I know that's not the reason why you're here so get to talking cause I was in the middle of something.

Ray-Ok I need you to help me get Neveah back

She started laughing and I didn't see what the hell was so funny I was dead serious. I looked at her with an evil expression.

Jamie-You real funny Ray

Me-But I'm dead serious though

Jamie-I know that's what makes this more funny

Me-Look I know I messed up but I want to make it right

Jamie-Ok look I have one question do you really and truly love her. Because if you don't there ain't no way in hell this is gonna work

I looked at Jamie then looked down. Did I really love Neveah? Or am I doing this for the baby? I digged deep to figure this out and I really did love Neveah.

Me-Yes I do really love her

Jamie-Ok then you have to show it. You have to show how much you want her and her only. You have to be there for her even when she doesn't want you there. You have to show her how much you love her

Me-You're right Jamie thank you

Jamie-No problem but you tell anyone I helped and you're dead understand

Me-Yes I understand

Jamie-Ok I'm glad now get the hell out shit I was in the middle of something

Me-Something you can't continue because we got basketball practice

Jamie-You bitch

Prod-Baby I'm was gonna have to go anyway

Jamie-I know I just didn't want you to I'll miss you

Prod-I'll miss you too

Jamie-I'll miss you more

Me-Can we do this later we're late

Jamie-I never liked you

Me-I don't care good for

Prod-Aight I gotta go I love you though

Jamie-I love you too

They kissed and I thought I was gonna be sick then me Prod went to practice.

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