Chapter 21 Not Going On A Bad Note

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Ray's POV

Right now im at Nevaeh's house holding her in my arms while she cried. Reason why she's crying is because her parents made her get her a abortion.

I was pissed and I knew that they were mad but they didn't have to kill my baby. I didn't know what to do for Nevaeh but I tried to ask her if she wanted to go to the beach because she got the abortion over a week ago but she hasn't gotten over it and she hasn't left her room except to go to school.

Me-Nevaeh baby do you want to go to the beach with Ciara, Neicey, Prince, and Roc?


Me-Baby you have to get out the house sometime

She just shook her head and buried her face in my chest. I held her and rocked back and forth. I then thought im not getting her out the house so imma call Prince.

I called him and the phone rang a few times before he answered.


Me-Um Nevaeh isn't coming out the house today

Prince-She's still upset about the abortion?

Me-Yea and I can't get her to go anywhere


Me-Umm don't tell anyone about the abortion please

Prince-I won't

Me-Aight thanks man

Prince-No problem but what do I say when they ask me why you didn't come?

Me-Say I didn't tell you


Me-Aight bye man


I hung up and looked at Nevaeh who wasn't crying anymore.



Me-Are you ok?

Nevaeh-No I can't believe they made me kill my baby

Me-You didn't have too

Nevaeh-They said they were kick me out if I didn't

Me-And if they did I could've took you in

Nevaeh-Like your mom would allow that

Me-Nevaeh I met..... Remember that big house I took you too and I said it was only a one night thing


Me-Well I lied its our house our meaning me, Prince, Roc, and Prod's

Nevaeh-And you didn't say anything about this before I had to get an abortion?

Me-I didn't think about it but you didn't think that I could take care of you

Nevaeh-No cause we're only teenagers

Me-But you should've trusted me and we could've ran away together

Nevaeh-But you also could've spoken up before the abortion

Me-Are we really gonna play the blame game?

Nevaeh-No you know why? Cause you're going to leave get out (getting up)


Nevaeh-Get out (walking to the door)

Me-Wait Nevaeh im sorry im just upset I don't mean to blame anything on you please

Nevaeh-Well im upset too

Me-I know and im sorry please just come back

She sighed and walked back into bed. She laid on me and I held her in my arms.


Me-Yea baby

Nevaeh-Do you think that we'll have another baby?

Me-Yes we will later so we can avoid the parents

Nevaeh-But if we had one sooner would you care?

Me-No im over the shock



Nevaeh-I love you

Me-I love you too

I kissed her head, then she fell asleep. I was glad she did cause her crying is a sight I hate seeing.

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