Chapter 16 Mommy Meet Ciara, Ciara Meet Crenshaw

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Ciara's POV 

Me and Roc stopped by my house and my parents weren't home but I found a note next to the brownies.

Dear Ciara, 

Me and your father went out tonight so here are the brownies and have a good time we love you 

Love mom

Me-My mom and dad are gone

Roc-Well we don't need to be at my house for 30 minutes

Me-Mm you know there's a lot we could do in 30 minutes with no parents (kisses him)

Roc-Mm baby can do this after dinner?

Me-Ok im holding you to that (walking past him)

Roc-(smacks my ass) I don't know who you walking past like that

Me-Im walking past you like that daddy

Roc ran up and grabbed my waist and started kissing my neck. I moaned softly and rolled my eyes back.

Me-Mm daddy

Roc-Girl stop

Me-You stop first daddy

Roc-We got to go

Me-I know so stop

Roc-I can't you're so damn fine

Me-Mm I love you

Roc-I love you too

I grabbed the brownies and we left. We got to Roc's and I started to get nervous.

Roc's POV 

I turned the car off and looked at Ciara. As she looked at my house she looked nervous.

Me-Baby are you ok?

Ciara-Im a little nervous

I grabbed her by her neck and pulled her to me, then kissed her passionately.

Me-You don't need to be nervous

Ciara-But you are your mothers son she may not like me

Me-And you are your daddys girl and he likes me

Ciara-You're right (sighs) Well im ready

Me-Ok baby

She was getting ready to get when I stopped her.



Me-I love you

Ciara-I love you too

She gave me a gentle look, then smiled. I felt like there was something on her mind but I knew we could talk about it later.

We walked in my house and I was greeted by my sister Kyla and the smell of chicken.

Kyla-Bro you're home (hugging him)

Me-Yes im home

Kyla-(looking at Ciara) Who is she?

Me-This is my girlfriend Ciara and Ciara this is my sister Kyla

Ciara-Its nice to meet you Kyla

Kyla-Mmm I have to test her

Me-Kyla don't

Kyla-So Ciara best show on cartoon network?

Ciara-Adventure time

Kyla-On nick?



Ciara-A.N.T Farm

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