Chapter 15 Hey Prod's Ok

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Ciara's POV

I woke up the next morning in my pajamas and hungry as ever. I looked at my phone to see that I got messages from Roc and Nevaeh. I checked the one from Roc first. It said

"Morning beautiful I don't know if you heard but your dad approved of me anyway text me when you wake up I want to talk to you I love you baby girl"

I smiled and checked the message Nevaeh sent me. "Hey we're all gonna be at the hospital at 12 see you there." It was 11 now so I had an hour. I texted Roc back to see what he wanted to talk to me about.

Mrs.RocRoyal-Hey baby I got your message what's up

MyRoyalGirlCi-Morning I wanted you to meet my mom and my sister today

Mrs.RocRoyal-Ok do you want to see Prod before we do that?

MyRoyalGirlCi-Of course I want to see my boy

Mrs.RocRoyal-Ok baby imma get ready and eat something then I'll be ready to go

MyRoyalGirlCi-Ok that sounds like about a good 5 hours

Mrs.RocRoy-Boy shut up it'll only take a half hour

MyRoyalGirlCi-I know I'll be there

Mrs.RocRoyal-Ok I love you

MyRoyalGirlCi-I love you too

I put my phone down and smiled, then I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth, did my thing, took a shower, then I dried my hair, straighten it and went over to my closet.

I was wearing a all blue outfit. Blue tight top, black skinnies, blue and black Jordans and a blue snapback my brother got me for my birthday.

I finished getting ready and lookin sexy. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs where I was greeted by my parents and the smell of bacon.

Shawn-Morning sweetheart

Me-Morning mommy

Chris-Morning baby girl

Me-Morning daddy

Chris-Where are you going today so early?

Me-Im going to the hospital to see my friend and then im going to meet Roc's mom and sister

Shawn-I heard about your friend last night did Diggy tell you that I said "I send my wishes"

Me-No he said you said "be back at nine"

Shawn-That little asshole I didn't say that

Me-I knew you wouldn't have

My mom put a plate of food in front of me and I started eating, then my brother came in arguing with his wife. Which by the way her name is Aliyah.

Aliyah-I just want to know why you left yesterday

Diggy-To spend time with my sister

Aliyah-Don't fucking lie to me

Diggy-Who's lyin?

Aliyah-I know you was out with that trick you was eyin the other day

Diggy-No I wasn't

Me-Morning you two love birds

Aliyah&Diggy-Shut up!

Chris-Aye you two either stop arguing or take it outside cause its to damn early for that

Diggy-Sorry dad


My dad leaned into me and said

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