Chapter 14 Meeting Daddy

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Ciara's POV

We stopped in front of my house. Roc turned off the engine and we sat there for a minute.

Me-You know you don't have to do this

Roc-I would do anything for you

Me-You're too good to be true

Roc-No I just love you

I leaned in and kissed him softly. He pulled away and smiled.

Me-You sure you're ready?

Roc-Yes baby come on

I got out the car with him. He walked next to me and we walked up to my door together. I unlocked the door and we walked in to find my mom and dad watching tv.


A/N:Oh and her dad's name is Chris

Chris-Hey baby girl I missed you

Me-I missed you too

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I pulled away and backed up to Roc.

Me-Umm daddy this is my boyfriend Roc

My dad stood up, walked to him and held out his hand. Roc shook his hand.

Roc-Its nice to meet you Mr. Simmons

Chris-So how old are you?

Roc-15 sir

Chris-Do you do sports?

Roc-Umm yea im captain of the basketball team and during the fall football

Chris-Mmm so you're popular?


Chris-Now Ciara im trying to get to know your new boyfriend

Roc-Umm no not really I choose not be so social

Chris-Why not?

Roc-I don't want to be popular I guess

Chris-Mmm so how much do you like my daughter?

Roc-A lot and I don't want to go off on the deep end but I love her and I know its a little early to say that but I never felt this way before

Shawn-Awww baby you have to admit that's sweet

Chris-How many girls have you dated?

Roc-Umm in general?

Chris-Well since high school

Roc-One my ex Jamie

Chris-What happen to you two?

Roc-She wanted to go out with my friend and I wanted to go out with Ciara so we broke up so we wouldn't cheat on each other

Chris-So you would say you weren't a cheater?

Roc-No sir im not

Chris-How long were you two together?

Roc-A year

Chris-So you believe in long lasting relationships?

Roc-Yes I do

Chris-How are your grades?

Roc-Great all A's im struggling in math a little bit but im keepin them up

Chris-You sound too good to be true

Me-I said the same thing daddy but its all true

Chris-So I understand you took my daughter on a date last night?

Roc-Yes sir I did

Chris-And where did you take her?

Roc-I took her to a river side dinner

Shawn-Awww (hits dad) Why didn't you ever take me to a river side dinner?



Chris-Anyway I see you got her a necklace that has your name on it

Roc-Yea and I got a chain with her name on it

Chris-I see that too

Shawn-Why didn't you do that for me?



Me-Anything else you want to know daddy?

Chris-No oh wait yes


Chris-Do you plan on doing anything WITH my daughter I won't approve of?


Roc-Its ok baby uhh no sir not until we're older or married hopefully

Chris-So you think you two would get married in the future?

Roc-Only with your permission sir

Chris-I want to hear your future plans that have my daughter in them

We all sat down cause I knew this test was never gonna end.

Roc-Umm I want to go to college after high school and I still believe me and Ciara will be together through college. After college im gonna get a job and get a place for me and Ciara, then I want to come to you and ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage, then hopefully with your permission we will get married and start a family that I would love for you two to be a part of

Shawn-(sniffling) That is so sweet and will we be in our grandchildren lives

Chris-You know what? I like you and I approve of this relationship

Shawn-What? You do? Im surprised I thought I was gonna have to fight you

Chris-Naw I can see it in his eyes that he's telling the truth over his feelings although he out did me and had my wife hit me but we're good man

Roc-Ok im glad I really wanted you to approve

Chris-I do approve I remember her last boyfriend couldn't answer half the questions you did

Roc-Well im not like him

Chris-No you're not what is your really name? I know its not Roc

Roc-Chresanto sir

Chris-Chresanto interesting name

Roc-Thank you

Shawn-(looking at me) Well it looks like we need to call it night with sleeping beauty over there

Roc-Umm I'll carry her upstairs with your permission

Chris-Go ahead

Roc picked me up and I laid close against his chest. He laid me on the bed softly and I know my parents followed us too. He covered me up and kissed my head.

Roc-Goodnight baby I'll see you tomorrow

Shawn-Aww im gonna cry

Chris-You did good son but I do have one last question


Chris-Will you protect her?

Roc-With my life

Shawn-(crying) I love this boy

Roc walked up and shook my dad's hand saying "thank you" then he gave my mom a kiss on the cheek saying the same to her. My dad walked him out and my mom turned off my light and closed the door.

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