Chapter 8 I'm Sorry

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Ray's POV 


I'm in class waiting for Nevaeh to come in cause we have the same first hour. When she came I waved her over next to me and she sat next to me but it seemed like she didn't want to talk.



Me-There was something you wanted to talk to me about

Nevaeh-Yea I thought a lot about what Ciara said and I'll take you back but on two conditions


Nevaeh-One you have to prove to me that you love me and two you have prove to me that I can trust you

Me-Ok I can do that


Me-So do I got my angel back?

Nevaeh-(smiling) Yes you got your angel back


I was glad that I got her back but I knew I had making up to do and I was gonna do it.

Roc's POV 

We got into first hour late so when we walked in the whole fucking class was looking at us. I hate that! Act like you never seen two late niggas before shit.

Mrs.Hutchins-Good of you to join us Mr. August and Miss Simmons

Class-(looks at them)

Ciara-Well damn what is y'all looking at? Act like you never saw two late niggas before shit!

I was gonna say that and Simmons? Is it possible that she's related to Diggy?

Mrs.Hutchins-Miss Simmons?

She took her eyes off her phone to Mrs. Hutchins


Mrs. Hutchins-You want to do the problem?

Ciara-No not really

Mrs. Hutchins-That wasn't a question

Ciara-Really? It sounded like one

Mrs. Hutchins-Come do the problem on the board please


she rolled her eyes, put her phone in her pocket and walked up to the board. She snatched the chalk from Mrs.Hutchins and started doing the problem.

Mrs.Hutchins-Explain what you're doing

Ciara looked at her in seething hatered but she still did it.

Ciara-Add seven to both sides, then you got 5x is greater then five so to get x by itself you divide 5 from both sides and your answer is x is greater than 5

A/N:That was inequalities the problem was 5x minus seven is greater than negative 2


Mrs. Hutchins-Very. You may sit down now

Ciara-You didn't have to tell me what I was going to

She came back and sat down in her seat next to me and went back to her phone.

Me-Damn second day of school and you already got teachers that hate you

Ciara-I don't care. I already know this shit. I'm supposed to be in Geometry 

Me-Damn you must be that smart?

Ciara-I try

Me-(smiles) Hey I wanted to ask you about the-

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