Chapter 3 A Old Relationship Ends A New One Begins

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"Roc baby what are you doing here?" She asked acting like they still together

"I'm doin homework with Ciara" Roc said nervous

"Oh OK well I got something to tell you. Can you follow me to the kitchen." She said grabbing his hand walking in the kitchen with him.


I followed Jamie into the kitchen I thought if there was a time to break up Jamie it would be now.

"Roc I don't know how to tell you this but I want you to know it's not you it's me." She grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes.

Oh she's breaking up with me well at least I don't feel so bad.

"I think we should see other people but know you'll always be my first" She kissed my cheek and walked back into the living room. I smiled to myself and thought of the best way to ask Ciara out.

I walked back into the living room and sat next to Ciara.

"Prod what are you down here?" I asked confused.

"Well Roc I wanted to go out with Prod" Jamie said calmly

"Oh you dumped me for him" I didn't know why I was acting jealous I like Ciara.

"Ugh Roc why do you care?" Ciara asked me with frustration in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"Prod and Jamie want to go out and you like me so I don't see the problem" Ciara said irritated

She got up and stormed upstairs. I got up and went upstairs into her room.

"Baby girl why are you so upset?" I asked sitting next to her. I pulled her to me and she resisted a little.

"Come on baby girl you don't have to resist me" I started kissing her neck then I heard her moan a little and I smiled in her neck

"Stop" She said pulling away

"Why? you know you like it I know you do"

"I do but you and Jamie are frontin'"

"Baby girl I'm sorry I just don't know how this works"

"Ask me out"

"No I'm doing that tonight"

"Fine but you don't get to kiss me till we're together"

"No I'm going to kiss you"

"No you're not" She said as she got up and ran downstairs playfully. I got up and ran after her. She ran past Jamie and Prod into the kitchen. I also ran past them then grabbed Ciara by her waist.

She looked at me in my eyes with her big sexy eyes. I leaned in and kissed her softly. Just to let her know that I wasn't unsure about who I wanted. Then she pulled away and just looked at me.

"Your eyes are so sexy"

She smiled at me I guess she knew how much I loved that sexy smile if hers

"Your smile is sexy too you know that right"

She blushed and looked down so she could hide it but I didn't want her to hide that beautiful smiled of hers.

"Hey don't hide that beautiful smile baby girl" I lifted up her head up by her chin and kissed her softly and passionately. She pulled away and looked at me.

"I think you're to good to be true for someone who's captain of the basketball team" She said looking me in my eyes

"What did you think cause I was captain of the basketball ball team that I can't be sweet or that I was a hit and run guy"

"No I didnt think that well sorta but I know now never judge a book by it cover"

"That's right baby girl" I flashed her my pretty boy smile and she smiled back at me

"Why do you keep calling me baby girl we not either together yet?"

"Cause you will be mine after tonight" I pulled her closed and kissed her. I pulled away and let go of her I didn't want to but I had to go.

"Where are you going?" She playfully pouted

"Aww baby girl don't pout I'll be back tonight to pick you up and 8:00 I promise" I pecked her in her lips and she walked me out with Jamie and Prod. Cause he had to go also.

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