Chapter 25 Vacation SCREWED

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Prod's POV

I was up watching Jamie sleep next to me. She was so beautiful when she slept and peaceful. I brushed my finger tips softly against her skin as she slept, then softly kissed her shoulder. She woke up then turned back and looked at me.



Jamie-Were you watching me sleep again?

Me-Yes I love watching you sleep

Jamie-When do I get to watch you sleep?

Me-When you get up before me which will never happen

Jamie-Ok bet


I leaned in and kissed her, then she got up and went into the bathroom. After about 2 minutes later she came out. I went into the bathroom did my thing, then I came out to my girl standing on the balcony, staring at the ocean view.

I walked up behind her, then wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned her head and looked at me. I looked back into her sexy eyes, then kissed her softly.

Jamie-This is the best vacation ever don't you think?

Me-As long as I was with you it was

Jamie-You're so corny

Me-Whatever you can't say you don't like it

Jamie-Chivalry is dead but you're still kinda cute

Me-Oh quoting songs now I see

Jamie-Shut up

Me-Make me

She kissed me and we held the kiss for a good 5 minutes, then Jamie's phone rang. She pulled away and went over to it, then answered it. She put it on speaker im guessing it was Nevaeh and them.


Ciara-HI JAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie-Hi Ciara

Ciara-How is your guys vacation?

Jamie-Wonderful. How are you guys?

Ciara-Good bout to go eat breakfast cause im hungry as hell

Jamie-That's from being black

Ciara-No its from this pregnancy

Jamie-Hold up wait a minute you pregnant?

Ciara-Oh snap I didn't tell you did I?

Jamie-No girl how long have you known?

Ciara-Five months

Jamie-Five months and you ain't tell no one

Ciara-Well I sorta went M.I.A.

Jamie-Well we all did


Jamie-So what about everyone else?

Ciara-Everyone else is good Prince and Neicey are getting closer by the minute and Nevaeh and Ray are having a baby again

Jamie-Wait again? What do you mean again?

Ciara-Oh Nevaeh's parents made her get an abortion so she and Ray I guess had sex some time during her great depression and now she's pregnant again

Jamie-Oh my god is there anything else im missing out on?

Ciara-Ummm Roc cheated on me and now we're back together

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