Chapter 19 The New Relationship

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Ciara's POV

Its been two weeks since I got raped and since me and Roc had our first time together also Prod got out of the hospital about a week ago so he's back at school. My alarm woke me up, I turned it off, then flipped over to find Roc still sleep next to me. I smiled and traced my finger tips over his lips. He pursed them but didn't wake up. I continued to do that until he opened his eyes.


Roc-Morning baby girl

Me-How did you sleep?

Roc-Like I was sleep on cloud with a beautiful angel on it


I started to kiss him until I felt a little iffy. I got up and ran into the bathroom, I started throwing up like crazy. When I was done I sat there for a minute and held my stomach. Roc came in and rubbed my back while I breathed.

Roc-Baby are you ok?

Me-Yea im ok

Roc-Are you sure? Cause we don't have to go school

Me-No I need to go school my mom is getting pissed cause I cut school twice and I haven't been there

Roc-Alright baby girl

Me-Im gonna take a shower so imma need you to leave

Roc-Why? I've seen you naked already

Me-You want to take a long ass shower with me?

Roc-One why you asking dumb questions? Two you don't take long ass showers and three yes cause we don't have that much time and I love you

Me-You're charmer ok come on

I started the shower, stripped down and got in. I didn't know where Roc was cause this was his idea. But anyway I continued to wash up when I felt someones hands wrap around my waist.

I jumped and turned around to find Roc standing there smiling.

Me-You think that shit was funny?

Roc-No im not laughing


I kissed him and we made out for a good 10 minutes, then I pulled away cause we still had to get dressed. As I was washing my hair he was working on my body. When we were done we got out, then I grabbed my towel and wrapped up in it.

Roc snatched my towel thinking I was gonna chase him but I for damn sure wasn't. I stood in front of the mirror doing my hair, then I felt him wrap his arms around my waist again.

Roc-You're no fun (kisses my shoulder)

Me-No not when we don't have time im not

Roc-We got time hell we can be late and still be on time

Me-Baby please tell me you heard what you just said cause

Roc-Nigga I heard what I said

Me-(getting close) Im not your nigga im your girl (walking away)

Roc-(biting his lip) My fine ass girl

I walked into my closet and got dressed, Roc did the same. I stopped and looked in mirror one more time. Then I told Roc to come get in a picture with me. He wrapped his arms around me and we both smiled into the mirror. I took the picture, then posted it on Facebook with the caption "Me and my baby getting ready for school." I made it my profile picture, then we left.

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