Chapter 6 Help Me

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At Ciara's house, In her room

Ciara's POV

I was doing my homework thinking about Roc and what he had planned tonight. My phone then rang, taking my out of my trance. I answered the phone and it was Nevaeh. I forgot I gave her my number.


Nevaeh-Ciara I need your help

Me-Ok come over and I'll help you out

Nevaeh-OK I'm on my way

Me-Ok bye


I hung up and went downstairs with my homework and waited for Nevaeh to show up. Once again I was thinking about my homework now and my phone rang snapping me out of my trance. I looked at the caller Id and it was Roc. I smiled and answered.


Roc-You sound happy

Me-Well you called

Roc-We still on for tonight?

Me-You know it

Roc-Aight I can't wait

Me-Me niether

Roc-I'll see you later beautiful

Me-Ok bye


I hung the phone and started dreaming, taking my mind off my homework. The doorbell rang, taking my mind off of Roc.

I got up and went open the door. I answered the door and moved aside for Nevaeh to come in. We walked to my couch and sat down.

Me-So what's up Nevaeh?

Nevaeh-Ray came over and tried to apologize. I don't want keep the baby away from its father but I don't know what to do please help me

Me-Well I guess your right about not keeping the baby away frome its father but I guess he should have a right to visit

Nevaeh-But I love him if anything I want us to be a family

Me-I don't think you should get back with him unless he proves his love to you

Nevaeh-Yea I think you're right

Me-I know I am

Nevaeh-Thank you

Me-No problem. Hey are you hungry? I'm hungry


Me-Come on

Me and Nevaeh got up and went into the kitchen. I opened up the freezer and started looking for something to eat.

Me-Frozen pizza?

Nevaeh-Sounds good

I grabbed a frozen pizza out the freezer and put it in the oven for like 5-10 minutes. Then I went back into the living room with Nevaeh. We were talking alittle bit then my phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID it was an unknown number. I answered it anyway.


???-Hey Ciara

Me-Who is this?

???-Oh I'm sorry its Ray

Me-Oh hey Ray what's up?

Ray-You don't sound too pissed so I guess I should ask you my favor now


Ray-Ok I wanted to ask you if you could talk to Nevaeh and help me get her back. I know I don't have a right to ask for it but I need it

Me-I'm working on it



Ray-What should I do?

Me-Show her how much you love her

Ray-Ok I can do that

Me-Aight well I got to go my pizza is gonna burn I'll talk to you later ok

Ray-Ok thank you so much

Me-No problem



I hung up then got up and went into the kitchen. I got the pizza out the oven and cur it in half then brought Nevaeh her half and sat down eating my.

Nevaeh-Thank you

Me-Its just pizza

Nevaeh-No I mean for everything I'm glad you moved here

Me-Well you're welcome I'm glad I could help

Nevaeh finished eating and she had to go before her mom got home. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30. I went upstairs and got ready to go.

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