Should I or Should I not

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Author's pov

You were walking in the mall with your friends eating ice cream. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, it was your boyfriend.

Pika ❤

Babe do you want me to pick you up? 

✨Y/N ✨

No, I'm okay I'll just walk at home later.

Pika ❤

Ok sure I'll be waiting for you.

✨Y/N ✨

See you at home!

Pika ❤

Bye sunshine. Be careful on your way back.

End of conversation

Your pov

My friends and I went to different stores and bought some clothes. I was hungry and wanted to go home, but I noticed a place where they sold candies. I told my friends that I was going to buy candies from the shop. They nodded and waited for me. 

I picked a lot of candies with different flavors. When I went to the cashier, he looked at me in a weird way because of the amount of candies I was buying. 

"That's a lot for one human" He said. "Mind your own business old man..." I thought.

"I bought those for the birthday party of my sister. She wanted a lot of them." I lied.

"Oh..." He scanned all the items. "It would be $45" He stated. I paid my candies and went out of the store. I went to the bench where my friends were waiting. We decided to go to a shoes shop because (friend name) needed a new pair of shoes.

~Time skip~

I was walking in the streets. I suddenly felt a hand on your mouth and someone dragging me in a desert area.

"Don't make a noise ~" I recognized this voice.... Was it.... Hisoka?!?

"Hisoka" I tried to say, but his hand was blocking the sound. He let go of me and got his hand off my mouth.

"What do you want?" I asked aggressively.

"I'm here just to warn you ~"

"Warn me of what?"

"Some people are targeting your Pikachu. They'll most likely try to kidnap you and use you for their goal."

"You... you are talking about the Phantom Troupe right?" I asked.

"Hmm? You guessed right ~" He replied.

"So what should I do?" 

"Do whatever you like. I was here just to inform you about this. ~" 

"Wait-" But he already left. "Damn you Hisoka telling me this.... Now what should I do-" I suddenly realized that one of my bag of candy what missing. I sighed.

"The candies are good ~" I heard someone say. I looked up but they already disappeared. I shook my head and headed home.

As I was walking home, a lot of things hustled in my mind. "Should I hide so that they can't find me? Should I keep my distance from Kurapika to make them think that I'm nothing to him? That could be an idea but... How?" 

Without even knowing I was already in front of the building. I took the elevator and walked to the door. "Ok now just ring the bell, and act like nothing happened." I thought. I pushed the button and waited. The door opened and I saw my boyfriend smiling. 

"Welcome home sunshine" He greeted and hugged me.

"Hello Kurapika" I forced a smile.

Kurapika's pov

"Hello Kurapika" Y/N said. "No Pika or babe?"

"You should change your clothes. Dinner's ready, and it's on the table."

"Thank you but I'm not hungry." She smiled but it looked forced.

"Are you okay? It seems that something is bothering you." I asked.

"I'm good... I'm just tired"

Your pov

I walked to the room and changed to put pajamas. Then, I hopped on the bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I moved in the bed trying to have a better position. "If I keep my distance from him, it will only hurt... So I have to stop it all, I have to... break up

Just thinking about it made me cry. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I tried to cry without making a sound, but it came as just muffled sobs. I cried so much that I just fell asleep.

~The next day at 1:00 pm~ 

I needed to tell him. I didn't want him to get hurt by the Phantom Troupe because of me. Kurapika came back home and I became nervous. "This will hurt..." I thought.

"K-kurapika I need to tell you something" I started.

"Yes my love"

"I... we-" He sat next to me and held my hands.

"Is there a problem? You can tell me anything Y/N" He said. He looked at me worriedly.

"No- I mean yes and no" He looked confused but remained calm waiting for me to talk. I lowered my head.

"Kurapika we should break up..." I raised my head and his mouth dropped his eyes widened. He looked shocked, confused and sad.

"Y/N did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm sorry I'll make it up to you."

"No you didn't do anything. Kurapika I love you, but I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"Y-Y/N what are you talking about?" 

"Hisoka told me the Phantom Troupe will try to kidnap me and blackmail you or something like that, because they know that you care about me, I-I have no idea if they know that you are my boyfriend. A-and I know they will try to kill you and I feel terrible because it would be my fault." I replied in one-shots. I had tears steaming down my face, my breathing path was uneven, and I was trembling.

"Y/N you should've told me earlier. You won't get kidnapped I'll protect I promise. Plus, I won't get hurt if I do it won't be because of you." He gave me a kiss on my forehead, cheek and on my lips. It was passionate and full love. I pulled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Kurapika" I said and smiled.

"You're welcome." He turned on the TV, and we watched a movie and cuddling.

Hello!!!! Did you like this one-shot? I got this idea while reading, so I decided to write it.

Anyways, remember that you are loved. Have a nice day/night. Bye-bye!

Words count: 1037

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