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Fan art: @lilshrum022718 on

Little warning: cuss word

Kurapika has been working for days in his home office. He didn't sleep or eat anything he just kept working and working. You knew that he was doing this to get information of his clan's eyes that were taken by the Phantom Troupe. But still, it worried you that he didn't take care of himself. You tried to convince him multiple times, but it never worked he was still focused on his work and not his health. Today, again, you tried to make him stop considering that he was working since this morning.

You went upstairs and directed yourself to his office. You opened the door and walked to him. Standing behind him, you put your hands on his shoulder and used your sweetest voice.

"Kurapika, my love, don't you want to eat something?" You asked.

"No, I'm fine" He replied not paying attention to you.

You were annoyed by his behavior, you wanted to scream at him, but this method was not going to make him move from his computer.

"Then, do you want to drink water, tea, coffee, juice?"

"No, Y/N I'm busy please stop bothering me, I don't need anything." You removed your hand from his shoulder.

"If you don't want to eat or drink something, then go take a nap." You said nonchalantly, swinging your arms in front and behind you. He glared at you.

"Can you stop bothering me I don't need anything, I'm perfectly fine. You kept doing this for days I'm tired now." You narrowed your eyes.

"Ok, work yourself to death. Do whatever you like." You bit your lips. "I don't fucking care about what you do, anyways" You lied. You instantly regretted saying that to your boyfriend, however, you were really mad at him. His health and well-being really worried you, on the contrary, he seemed to not care about himself.

You walked directly to your room. You open the door, but make sure you don't slam it when you close it. Furthermore, you found a random book that was on the shelf and decided to read it to change your mind.

~Time skip~

One hour after, you were at the end of the book, Kurapika came in, and sat on the bed and stared at you. You tried to ignore him and continued to read. He stayed there for 5 minutes still looking at you. You finally gave in.

"What happened? I thought you were working." You asked still reading and flipping the page.



"Look at me." You lifted your head. "I'm sorry."

"For?" You said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry for talking to you in this way." 

"Good..." You hid your smile in the book, but he noticed what you did and took the book out of your hands. "Hey! I'm almost finishing it. Give it back!"

He laughed and hand it to you. When you tried to take it, he pulled it back and kissed you. You kissed back.

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes." You smiled and snatched the book from his hand. 

Words count: 519

Kurapika x Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now