The best

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Specifically: fem reader

The h/c stormed in the house and slammed the front door. She removed her boots and hung on her coat.

Kurapika, her two-year boyfriend, walked towards her to greet her. Noticing her annoyed, angry expression he decided to not ask any questions.

"Welcome home Y/N" He smiled.

"Yeah thanks" She strutted past him making her way to their shared bedroom.

"I made your favourite food" He said downstairs.

"I'm not hungry" She replied. She took her laptop and started working on the huge document her boss gave her to finish in a week. "Might as well work now to reduce the work load at the office" She whispered to herself.

~Time skip~

"Ugh! This is so hard! How does he want me to do this!" Hearing the complaints of his girlfriend, Kurapika went to see what was happening.

He opened the door slowly and walked towards her.

"What happened?" He asked.

"My boss wants me to finish this work in a week, and it's so long! That piece of shit. I hate this!" You rant.

"Woah... Y/N calm down. You can't properly work if you are mad. Take a break. You just got home from work so now you need to relax. I can help you after if you want. Sure, it's not my domain but I'll gladly do it for you." He tucked a strands of hair behind you ear. "Because I love you"

"Ahh thanks Kurapika" You felt better after this and got calmed. "I'm sorry that I ignored you when I arrived at home"

"It's all good, love. I'll go prepare a bath for you" He went to the bathroom. Five minutes after he popped his head out of the bathroom. "I've put [favourite scented soap] in your bath is that okay?"

"Yes thank you so much" Ten minutes passed, and he came back. "It's ready!" Y/N smiled and rushed towards him to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you so much" He grinned.

"After you finished your bath tell me and I'll bring your favourite food" He left to give Y/N some privacy.

You removed your clothes and got in the bathtub.

"Ahh it's so nice. I don't even know how I got you as my boyfriend, Kurapika. God I'm so lucky. Hehe" You giggled like a child. "My boyfriend is the best."


I know this is short but I'm actually proud of this one. I changed my writing style and I like this one better.

Words: 424

Kurapika x Reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now