Grateful to have you

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Your pov

Kurapika is my first crush, I have been crushing on him for a year and a half now. He is just perfect. I find everything about him cute and attractive: his blond hair, his red eyes, his love for books...

Unfortunately, he never reciprocated my feelings. I confessed to him multiple times but he always rejected me.

Today, Kurapika and I were planning to go to the library.

As I walked towards the huge building, I spotted a familiar blond head, my crush.

"Kurapika!" I called him. He turned his head and smiled upon seeing me. "AHH! Y/N stop simping. Act normal, act normal" I told myself.

He approached me while waving at me. "Hey Y/N, how are you?"

"I'm fine and you?" I replied.

"I'm good. Did you finish the book we borrowed last time?" He asked.

"Yes, but I think that the main lead did many wrong choices."

"I can agree with that" He chuckled. " I swear to god Kurapika you are going to be the death of me! Stop being so attractive!"

We entered the library, chatting about the book. I spotted a place where we could sit together and read. I placed my bag on the table and went to search for new books.

After, I walked in the different aisle searching for and interesting and appealing book. "Aha!" This book seemed pretty interesting.

I went back to the table and saw Kurapika sitting there already reading a book. I decided not to disturbed him and started to read mine too.

As he was reading, I kept stealing glances at his beautiful face. Where did he even get that beauty from? His mom? Kurapika felt my gaze on him and lifted his head staring at me with a confused look.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing, I like to look at you face. You know that you are really good looking right?

"Thanks" He continued to read his book. I stared at him again, daydreaming.

"Stop staring" He stated strictly cutting me from my daydream.

"I like you Kurapika" I blurted out just to tease him. After a moment, I could see a red hue on his cheek. "Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, he clearly said it before he doesn't like me." I sighed disappointed.

"ᴵ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒᵒ" He said something that couldn't hear completely.

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked.

"Nothing" He replied.

"Hmmm" It was ticking me off, it was suspicious. Kurapika never does that, he most of the time always say what he has in his mind. On top of that, he didn't reject me, he usually tell me: "Y/N I would like us to stay friends" or "Y/N I don't like you in that way".

~Time skip~

It was getting late so Kurapika and I decided to go back home. He wanted to walk me home because he said yay it was dangerous to walk alone at night.

It was silent between us, it wasn't a weird silence it was a comfortable one. It was one of the special thing Kurapika and I have. We can stay together in silence without being awkward with each other.

"Y/N I forgot to tell you but I finished my mission. I retrieved all of my brethren eyes."

"Im so proud of you Kurapika, congratulations." I smiled. He smiled too and faced me.

"Y/N I like you" He said.

"Huh?" It caught me off guard.

"I said I like you, no I love you. You were always the one who cheered me on when I felt sad. You were always happy when I was able to retrieve the eyes. You were just here for me. Your presence really helped me. I'm sorry that I always rejected your confessions. I was scared, scared of you getting hurt if the Phantom Troupe knew we were together. I always loved you. When you repeatedly confessed it made me always happy, because I knew that you were still liked me so I wanted to complete my missions sooner to be with you in peace. Please are you be willing to be with me?"

"Yes I would love to be with you." I replied and hugged me.

"I'm happy." He said. "I thought I would be sad my whole life because I lost my family but now that I have you, I'm happy." Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Kurapika..." He pulled away and started deep in my eyes.

"I'm really grateful to have you Y/N" He said and gave me the most passionate kiss.

"No Kurapika I'm grateful to have you" I whispered.


I hoped that you enjoyed this! Please comment guys, y'all are so silent. I love to read your comments.

Words count: 800

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