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I'm still here I'm not dead. I just went to a camp and we are always busy. We also don't have wifi which sucks. 😔 Anyways, I asked my cousin if she can try to make stories for me and she agreed. I just don't know when she'll upload cause she has her own book. 😓 You may be asking yourself how I posted this one-shot, it's because I am using my LTE ha-

Sorry sorry I'll let you read the story now.

Author's pov

You walked in the park, searching for a place for a picnic you organized with Kurapika. After a little while, you found the perfect place and helped Kurapika to place the things on the table. While putting everything on the table, you noticed a white hair and green hair boy running towards you.

"Y/N-chan!" Gon said, tackling you in a hug.

"Hi Gon! How are you?"

"I'm fine! How about you, Y/N-chan?" You smiled.

"Yeah I'm good! It's so great to see you!" You hugged him again before he went to greet Kurapika.

"Hey..." You turned your head to see Killua greeting you, but he seemed shy?

"Hello!" You said giving him a hug.

"H-huh! Let me go!" He said turning red. You laughed.

Gon and Killua talked about what they were up to for the upcoming days and you and Kurapika talked about how life for you. You continued to discuss until you saw a man running towards you.

"Sorry... I got caught up in the traffic." You raised a brow giving him the 'I know you are lying' look.

"Fine! I went to buy sweet!"

"But we already brought food and desserts? It was our task... Wasn't it Gon?" You asked and turned to him.

"I don't know." The innocent boy said. You shot a glare at Killua.

"Whaaaat? I know you would only have brought healthy desserts so I wanted Leorio to buy some." You rolled your eyes. "I'm excited to see how he'll react when I'll give him his surprise..." You thought

"Let it go, Y/N." Kurapika said, amused by this little desserts story."

"Can we eat now?" Gon asked.

"Yeah of course!" You replied.

The picnic went well, and you were all laughing and playing games. You remembered that you had to give Killua his surprise. A box full of choco robots.

You tapped Killua's shoulder. "Killuaaaa look what I got youuuu." (Y/N sounds like a parent surprising their kid with something-)

"What?" He asked, annoyed by the high pitch voice you used. You have him the box and he raised his brow. He opened it cautiously and he eyes let up when he saw the choco robots. "Thank you Y/N-chan!" He gave you a big hug but immediately parted ways and blushed by his 'childish' reaction. You felt someone tapping your shoulder.

"Ehhh and me Y/N-chan? What did you get for me?" Gon asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Don't worry, I got you cream puffs!" (I asked my friends what dessert/sweet Gon could enjoy, and they said cream puffs)

"Thank you so much!" He gave you a kiss on the cheek and started jumping around.

While you were talking to Gon and Killua Leorio admiring you for being so kind and caring.

"Kurapika you are a lucky man! Look at Y/N!" Kurapika smiled.

"I know, I know. Y/N is the most kind and caring person I met. Leorio gave him the '😏' look.

"Oooh I see... My boyy is in looooove." He said teasingly.

"Shut up." Kurapika retorted, but blushed. Leorio laughed.

~Time skip~

It was getting dark, so you all decided to pack all the things to leave. You said bye to Gon, Killua and Leorio and followed Kurapika to the car.

While walking to the car, Kurapika stopped.

"Y/N" He called out.

"Yeah?" You turned around.

"I love you" You smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too."

Words count: 673

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