Mr. Kurta

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Hello my dear readers! Here's another one-shot. Sorry in advance because I got really lazy when I was writing the end.

Author's pov

You were going home happy because you got a job that will pay you well. Your joy didn't last because some intimidating men approached you and knocked you out.

Time skip

You saw a blond man sitting in front of you. He had one leg on the other and was looking at you. He had an intimidating aura oozing from him.

"You are awake..." He said. "No shit sherlock..." You thought.

"Where is this place? What am I doing here?" You asked.

"He looked at you silent but after some time of waiting for his answer he simply said:

"Your dad is addicted to gambling..." You were taken aback by his statement. "How did he know that"

"Do you know how much money he owns?" You shook your head in response.

"But why does his debt have to do with me?" You asked.

"Aren't you his daughter? He said you could pay back his debt." You chuckled lightly.

"So that's why those men kidnapped me? I don't have relations with that man, he abandoned me when I was a kid. I am not repaying whatever he owns." You tried to break free, but you realized that you were tied up with chains. Some chains were trailing on the ground, and you trailed your eyes to see where they were coming from. To your surprise, they were from the man sitting in front of you.

"How come you have chains on your hand?" You asked. He got up from his seat, removed the chains around you and walked away. He said something to a man, probably a bodyguard. You couldn't quite hear what he was saying, there was, eventually, a few words that you could detect.

"Keep a close eye on her.... don't hurt.... goodbye" and he left.  "don't hurt....what? Who?"  You asked yourself.

The bodyguard came to you, and you stood up. You tried to fight him, but he was stronger than you. You struggled and felt a hard pain on your body. You then passed out.

Time skip

You opened your eyes and your body still aches. You were angry that your dad put another burden on you. A tear ran down your cheek, but you wiped it forcing you not to cry. You noticed that you weren't in the same place as before. You were in a big and fancy room. Not only that, but you were on a bed, and you were wearing a pajama. "What the hell?!  Who changed my clothes?" You half yelled. A woman suddenly entered the room with a worried face.

"Good morning miss L/N" She said with a sweet voice, and she seemed to calm down when she saw that you were okay. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"I... umm... whatever you have." I said.

"Miss L/N we had orders to give whatever you want and what you need..."

"Then I'll have (F/F) please." She smiled, bowed and left the room.

You plopped your whole body on the bed. "At least I can have whatever I like." You smiled to yourself.

Moments later the maid came back with your food.

"Enjoy your breakfast." She bowed and left. You smiled and ate. After she came back with clothes.

"Miss L/N here's a dress that you can wear if you don't like it you can choose something in the wardrobe."

"How do I know they will fit?"

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