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Disclaimer and Formal Statements

I do not own the plot or the characters of 9-1-1 Lone Star.


This story contains mature themes due to strong language.


Bailey Williams seemed to be born unlucky. At the age of three her parents were killed in a home invasion turned homicide. The same incident left Bailey with a back injury in turn leaving her with a rate condition called thermoregulatory dysfunction or the inability to regulate her own body temperature. After her parents were killed she was put into the foster care system and has been shuffled from home to home, never lasting very long since no family had the means or the desire to help manage her condition. All Bailey ever wanted was a family to love and accept her and as time passes she fears that she may have lost her chance when her parents were killed. Until finally she meets a group of people who are different, fire house 126. The 126 soon shows her that not only do they want to love and care for her, but they also show her that you don't have to be blood to be family, it is as much chosen as it is given.

Author's Note

Hello! This is seriously crazy to say but this is the first story that I have worked toward posting since finishing the The Epi(lepti)c Series. Yeah, that's weird. But, I will be sticking to the same schedule as the past three books. One chapter will be posted on Saturday and one on Sunday. This story has been so much fun to write and I am really excited to get it out and hear all of your thoughts. I have begun my Spring semester of school so I will do everything I possibly can to stay on schedule but if I miss a day please know that I will get the chapter(s) posted as soon as I possibly can.

As always, I love to hear all of your thoughts so comment, comment, comment! And please vote as well, it really does give me encouragement to continue posting and in general it gives me confidence about my writing.

So, let's jump into it, yeah? I hope you enjoy the story:)

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