Chapter 38

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Date Night

"Do you know why Noah asked you to meet him out here?" Carlos asked.

Noah and Bailey had had a date night planned for well over a week and he had kept the plan under wraps for days. Every time Bailey asked what she should be expecting he simply smiled and said to dress comfortably. She had been annoyed to say the least. TK had chuckled when Bailey had explained her displeasure, remembering moments where Carlos had surprised him or vice versa. But, with a bit of explanation that Noah simply wanted to surprise her and that there was nothing to be anxious about, Bailey was able to relax a bit.

With TK on shift for another half hour, Carlos was deemed the chauffeur for the evening. Earlier that evening Noah had sent Bailey a location for where to meet him. She'd need a ride out, but he would bring her home.

"Not in the slightest." Bailey replied.

Carlos nodded, looking to his phone again for directions. However, as they continued down the road things started to look a bit familiar.

"Wait a minute." He mumbled, leaning forward over the steering wheel and looking around.

"What?" Bailey asked.

"This looks familiar," Carlos replied sitting back and looking out of the side windows a couple times and smiling as memories started to play through his head. "Your dad and I used to come up here all the time. When we first started dating there was this massive solar storm and we came up here that night and watched the excess burn off, it looked like the northern lights."

Bailey smiled.

"Did you come up here often after that?" She asked.

Carlos' cheeks burned hot and he was glad that it was dark enough that his daughter couldn't see his reaction.

"Yeah," He said. "We came up here at least once a week to just look at the city and the stars. It was our favorite time because it was so quiet compared to being in the middle of the city. It was peaceful."

Bailey smiled at her papá before turning back to the road. It made her happy to hear about the different happy times that her fathers have had and continue to have. When she looked back out the windshield she saw a small light that started to grow larger as they got closer.

"What's that?" Bailey muttered.

Carlos' eyes strained but eventually he smiled.

"I have a feeling that," Carlos said. "Is what we're here for."

When they pulled up to the lookout point, there Noah was, leaning against the side of his car, a smile on his face. Bailey hugged Carlos quickly before getting out and walking toward Noah.

"Well hello milady." Noah said with a smile.

He pushed himself off of where he was leaning against the side of the car and approached her.

"Hello." Bailey smiled, pushing herself up onto her toes and wrapping her arms around Noah's neck.

Noah planted a gentle peck on her lips and Bailey smiled again. Carlos, being the father and mild comedian that he was, honked his horn once to let the young couple know that yes, he was still there and Bailey laughed, letting her forehead fall onto Noah's shoulder before turning back to her papá. The teens waved to Carlos to let him know that he was okay to leave and soon Carlos was headed off back down the trail that had brought him up to the lookout. Once he was far enough out of view, Noah picked Bailey up and spun her around like he often did when they first saw each other in the halls at school. Bailey laughed happily as Noah put her down and planted another kiss on her lips, a more appropriate one in her opinion but certainly not for in front of her papá.

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