Chapter 31

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Quick A/N. For the purpose of this story, I'm taking pieces of the canon storyline and changing it a bit to fit my own storyline. I hope you enjoy what I've come up with:) Y'all are not ready😎


It was that kind of a night, everybody was tired, stressed, and anxious. With an arsonist in the wind and both of their fathers somehow getting caught up in the shuffle, Carlos and TK only wanted to spend time with their family. Bailey, however, hadn't been feeling well since her drop two days prior so she'd been in bed since earlier that afternoon. The poor girl was exhausted, a little feverish, and on the verge of a sensory overload. So, with their daughter out of commission, they'd decided to take the evening to spend some...quality time together.

            Carlos pinned TK's arms above his head as he kissed down his neck. TK eyes fluttered closed as a smile touched his lips and he moaned quietly. Until, however, he noticed a difference in their surroundings.

"Do you smell that?" TK asked, catching Carlos' attention.

"Smell what?" Carlos questioned.

            TK lay there for a moment before he realized.



"Bailey!" Carlos screamed, fumbling back through the hallway to get to his daughter's room.

"Papá!" Bailey's voice came back.

            TK made it to the door first, feeling the knob for any heat. He found none and pulled it open. Bailey fell backwards onto them. The back wall of Bailey's room was engulfed in flames and Carlos pulled Bailey against his chest and he and TK guided her back into their room.

"Carlos call 9-1-1, hang a towel outside the window so that they know where we are," TK said moving to the bedroom door and shoving a blanket under it. "This will buy us a few minutes. Where's the fire extinguisher?"

"Under the kitchen sink." Carlos replied pulling a shirt on over his head.

"We don't have one up here?" TK asked.

"No." Carlos muttered.

"Okay." He mumbled.

            Bailey swallowed hard as she looked between her fathers, hoping they had some idea of what to do when the curtains sparked up in flames. Bailey screamed and clutched at Carlos' shirt who only held her tighter.

"This cannot be happening," TK said moving to Bailey and Carlos. "Watch out," He called as another corner sprang up in flames. "The window, how far down do you think that drop is?"

"Uhh," Carlos racked his brain. "Like twenty, twenty-five feet."

"That's our only shot." TK said.

            Carlos pushed Bailey over to TK and grabbed one of the chairs from near the bed, busting out the bedroom window quickly. TK grabbed Bailey's shoulders and turned her to him so that she was looking in his eyes.

"You go first, we'll be right behind you." He said.

            Bailey shook her head roughly, not wanting to leave them

"Look look look, if we don- if we-" She started.

"Hey hey hey," TK cut her off. "We love you so much."

"Now go." Carlos said pushing Bailey towards the window.

            She was just about to jump through it when the bedroom door busted open and Owen walked through, a bandana wrapped around his face.

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