Chapter 2

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Mornings, Afternoons, and Evenings

Bailey groaned when her alarm went off. 7:00 AM was not the time she wanted to be awake, but it was worth it to get out of out the house for the day. TK had made sure to exchange numbers with Bailey just in case she were to need anything, and he and Owen also started to pick Bailey up on their way to work. So, over the coming days a pattern had emerged. Every morning Bailey would pack a day bag and TK and Owen would pick her up and she would spend the day around the fire house. Being with the team felt more like home than any house she'd ever been in and she loved that. Since she was spending the majority of her day at the fire house, the Hubbards seemed to be getting increasingly aggravated. Bailey often left before any of them were awake and got home after dinner, leaving her in the house at night only. Most parents, foster or otherwise, would be thrilled that their child was out and about during the summer months but the Hubbards weren't most parents. They complained that Bailey was never home and therefore neglecting her chores. So, she'd made it pointedly clear to her foster family that her chores were getting done daily and made sure to get them done before she left the house every morning.

            Bailey rolled out of bed and changed out of her pajamas and into her robe before making her way into the laundry room to start her laundry. She had three chores that had to be done. Her laundry was her own responsibility, but it didn't stop her foster brother from throwing his laundry in the night before and not starting the machine so that she either had to take it out and face the wrath of the Hubbards or simply throw hers in with his and leave his for him to fold and put away later. She also had to take out the trash cans and she had to water the plants in the front and back yards.

            Once she started her laundry she immediately went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. It made the most sense for her to start the laundry first and then work on everything else while the washing machine was running. By the time she was out of the shower and had her teeth brushed the washing machine was singing, signaling that it had completed it's task. Bailey slipped on her robe again before swapping the wet laundry into the dryer, making sure to pull out the few pieces of clothing that needed to be hung out. Once she started the dryer Bailey made her way back to her room to get dressed and finish getting ready. Thirty minutes later she was dressed, and her laundry was folded and put away. Since the trash cans weren't yet full, they could wait for a while, but the plants needed to be watered.

            As early as it was the heat had yet to build and Bailey was fine to be outside. She started in the back first, watering the flowers and the herd and vegetable garden along the fence. When she moved to the front she saw that TK and Owen were already there. Bailey looked at her phone for the time, worried that she may have been running late but she saw that it was in fact TK and Owen who were running early. TK got out of the car and walked slowly up to her as she turned on the hose.

"You guys are early." Bailey smiled.

            TK chuckled.

"Yeah well, it's just been that kind of a morning," He said. "How has your morning been?"

            Bailey shrugged.

"Normal," She said. "I'm almost done here, just need to water the flowers and then I'll be set."

            TK nodded. Bailey expected him to go back and wait in the car, but TK stood and walked along with her as she moved from bush to bush.

"You know you don't have to walk with me, right?" She said.

"Yeah, I know," TK said. "But you looked like you could use some company. I'm honestly surprised that you get as much as you do done in the morning. I'm lucky if I remember to make my bed before I leave."

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