Chapter 17

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Wishes Do Come True

It was her birthday, seventeen years ago she was born. It was a day that much like any other day that many people deemed special, really just felt like another day. Carlos and TK though, they'd told her about the plan to have the 126 over for dinner. A day for her, they'd said, and for once she was actually looking forward to it. She rolled out of bed and slowly made her way downstairs. The whole house smelled amazing. She found Carlos first, standing in the kitchen.

"Good morning." She said quietly.

            Carlos turned and smiled at her.

"Good morning birthday girl," He said. "Come sit down I made French toast."

            Bailey smiled and slid into the seat at the table. Carlos sat a plate in front of her with a smile. As he placed two more plates on the table, one for himself and one for TK, TK slipped in through the back door. Bailey looked up and smiled.

"Hi." She said.

            TK looked at her and smiled.

"Happy Birthday kiddo." He said walking over to the table and kissing Bailey's forehead.

"Thank you," She said. "What were you doing out back?"

"I was watering the plants before it gets too hot." He said.

"Okay." Bailey said, digging into her breakfast.

            TK smiled.

"I'm gonna go shower and then I'll be down for breakfast." TK said.

            He took the stairs two at a time. Quickly moving through his morning routine so that he can get back downstairs to his family. When he began walking down the stairs he heard squealing and laughed. By the time he made it down far enough to see into the living room he could see Bailey and Carlos on the couch, having pulled out a board game but Bailey was laughing hysterically and throwing pillows at Carlos who had no doubt been attempting to tickle her. TK smiled as he snuck up behind Carlos, he made eye contact with Bailey who quickly looked away to keep TK's approach a secret. When he was close enough he leapt over the back of the couch onto Carlos who grunted at the impact but then resumed laughing. Bailey threw herself on top of the two of them, all three of them in fits of laughter as they goofed off. They barely registered the front door opening, or Owen and Buttercup coming in until Buttercup decidedly leapt into the action.

"Oh geez." Carlos grunted as they were all pinned by the St. Bernard.

"Buttercup, off." Bailey laughed.

            Owen laughed before grabbing Buttercup's collar and pulling him off.

"Come on boy, let 'em get up." He said.

            TK, Carlos, and Bailey all dislodged themselves from their little dog pile and Bailey stood up from the couch, hugging Owen.

"Happy Birthday Bails." Owen smiled.

"Thank you." Bailey said.

            Owen then turned his attention over to the wrestling match he'd walked in on.

"So who started the living room MMA match?" He asked.

            All at once everybody was pointing at everybody else. Bailey at Carlos, Carlos at Bailey, and TK at Carlos. Owen laughed.

"Carlos it's two against three." He said.

            Carlos threw up his hands.

"So this one's on me?" He asked.

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