Chapter 13

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A Normal

            Things are finally getting back to normal for Bailey. Once she began going to see a therapist, she began to come out of her shell once again. TK and Carlos couldn't hide their excitement when their daughter's mood began to improve. She was smiling and laughing again, comfortable with being on her own, and more than content with painting. Of course there were always moments where she needed contact or came to them to talk through her anxious mindset but overall, things were much brighter than they had been. The 126 also noticed the improvement and were glad to have their youngest member back to normal.

"Bailey, you ready to go?" Carlos called.

It was time for the fire house's family barbeque. This time however, they were on shift so things were happening a bit differently.

"Almost, just grabbing a sweatshirt." Bailey called.

Bailey was getting a few things together in her room and Carlos was packing the cooler that they would be taking with the various snacks that they had been tasked with bringing. There was a knock at the front door and Carlos stuttered for a moment, debating between finishing packing the cooler and answering the door. His mind was made up for him when the person knocked again.

"Bailey, five minutes and we're leaving." Carlos said, taking long steps to the door and pulling it open, who he saw made him freeze.

"Officer Reyes, I am so glad I caught you while you were at home," Sable Collins said, hugging a clipboard to her front, a smile spread across her face that Carlos assumed was supposed to be reassuring but actually sent a chill straight through his body. "Is Mr. Strand here? I'm here for a home check."


TK was helping Judd and Mateo get out some of the grilling supplies when his phone rang. He pulled it out and when he saw that it was Carlos he answered it quickly.

"Hey babe, you headed here?" He asked.

"Uhh, can you come home?" Carlos spoke, his voice a bit hushed.

TK's brow furrowed in concern.

"Why? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Um, it depends." Carlos replied.

"On?" TK prompted.

"On whether or not you call a surprise home visit from Bailey's social worker, okay." Carlos said.

TK's face paled.

"She's there?" He almost yelled catching the attention of not only Judd and Mateo but almost all of the 126. "When did she get there?"

"About five minutes ago. She's talking to Bailey right now but you need to be here TK, she wasn't exactly happy that she only caught me at home." Carlos said.

TK groaned and looked around.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." He said.

"Okay, drive safe, I love you." Carlos said.

"I will, love you too." TK replied.

As soon as he had hung up TK ran around gathering his things. Tommy and his dad both looked at him with concern.

"Bailey's social worker just showed up at the house. I gotta go." He said, not stopping for a response.

All he could think as he threw his car into drive was god please don't let this day go to hell.

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