Chapter 6

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Home and Away

TK was tense to say the least. The inspector was due any minute and all TK could think about was if they had done enough. The past four days had been all about preparing for the inspection. Any minor repairs that had been put off became glaringly evident and he and Carlos had made numerous trips to both the hardware store and the paint store for repair and touch-up materials. TK had asked his dad and Judd to help them with some of the more labor intensive repairs that TK had listed.

"TK, will you please sit down, you're making me nervous." Carlos said, pulling the last few dishes out of the dishwasher and putting them away.

            TK looked up from where he had been pacing the living room.

"This inspector's decision is the deciding factor in whether or not Bailey gets to stay in Austin with us or if she has to stay with the Hubbards and moves to El Paso," He said. "You should be nervous. How are you not nervous?"

            Carlos leaned up against the kitchen island.

"Because I'm trying to focus on things that I can control," He said, shutting the dish washer and walking over to his boyfriend. He takes TK's hands in his and swings their arms. "We've done everything that we possibly can. Actually, I think the house looks better now than it did when I first bought it. Whatever happens, happens, just please relax."

            TK looked up at Carlos.

"Really?" He asked, simply needing a bit of reassurance at the moment.

            Carlos smiled softly.

"Yes, now please come sit down for a second and take a breath before the Sable and the inspector get here." He said.

            TK nodded and together he and Carlos sat curled onto the couch. They hadn't been there long before the doorbell rang, catching their attention.

"Okay," TK breathed. "Let's do this."


            Owen picked up Bailey alone that morning. She had been confused at first but Owen had told her what TK had told him which was that he had a last minute appointment that couldn't be postponed or avoided.

"It's weird coming in without TK here." Bailey laughed as she climbed out of the passenger seat of Owen's truck.

            Owen chuckled.

"It's weird for me too. The only time I come in alone is when I'm managing B-shift or when TK's ambo crew is on opposite shift for a bit." He said.

            Bailey walked in alongside Owen with her backpack slung over her shoulder. As always, she had brought a number of things with her when things in the house got slow. She'd brought a sketchbook and a couple of small canvases to possibly do some painting if she found some inspiration.

"Hey, Bailey's back!" Marjan called from the top of the ladder truck.

            Bailey laughed and waved.

"Heyo!" She said.

"No TK today Cap?" Paul asked, sliding out from underneath the truck.

            Owen looked down at Paul, mildly surprised to see the man sliding out from beneath the 50,000 pound vehicle.

"No, he had a last minute appointment that he couldn't miss or reschedule so the EMTs will be flying a man down today." He said.

            Paul shrugged and pulled himself back underneath the truck to continue his work. Bailey chuckled; it wasn't what she expected to see at 8:00 in the morning but a day at the 126 was never normal.

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