Reader's Input

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Hello peoples of Earth! So we have said hello and goodbye to another story, wow that is insane. But what's even crazier is that I said hello and goodbye to my Senior year of college. Talk about a wakeup call guys, geez that's terrifying. But anyway, the reason for my posting this is because I want your guy's help. I have a number of stories in the wings waiting for my attention but I am having a very difficult time choosing what to work on next. I am calling on all of you, my faithful and loyal readers to help me out of this lovely predicament that I am now finding myself in. Below I am going to list my uncompleted projects along with a brief (and when I mean brief some of them will probably only be a sentence or two) synopsis and be aware that they are subject to change. Or if you have a different idea, maybe another world you would like to see me branch into let me know and I'll see about maybe working on something.

Young Justice


Aster Cunnings is far from the first teen in Gotham to find herself with a traumatic past and amongst the Justice League's B Team Ranks. In fact, she's not even the first teen to meet these levels and find herself starring down the big bad Bat himself. She is however the first to enter the ranks to train and not remain with the cleanest of intentions.

Voltron: Legendary Defender


            Avalon Kogane is the younger sister of Red Paladin, Keith Kogane. She has always been quiet but when she along with her brother and their friends end up on a galactic mission she is put in some rather precarious situations. Being an expert archer she is able to help them in their fight. However, when the group teams up with a rebel force for a series of missions, Avalon encounters some doubters that do not think that she is strong enough to hold her place amongst the Paladin coalition. She must prove herself. But in doing so, her life is put in danger and she must fight her own demons when the things that she loves most are suddenly taken from her.

Star Wars Rebels

Child of the Rebellion

            Carasynthia Jarrus is the 16-year-old daughter to renowned Jedi and rebel, Kanan Jarrus. Born during the clone wars to a mother who was killed soon after her birth, Cara was raised by the Jedi order which meant she grew up not only without a mother, but around people who taught her lessons that her father wasn't always so intent on her learning. She was born with a deep connection to the force, one that caused more problems than it solved. So, she and Kana made the collective decision not to nurture the gift and soon it went dormant, only showing itself in times of high stress or emotion. Until the Jedi order fell and Kanan was swept up into the Rebellion. At 2-years-old Cara and Kanan joined Hera's crew and ever since then Cara had been raised on the Ghost and had had a hand in the Rebellion. But as the Ghost's crew grew, she retreated, pulling away from the people around her to the point that the majority of the crew didn't even know that she existed. But when a bad nightmare stirs her connection to the force, she quite literally rocks the ship's dynamic and makes her presence very known. How will Cara handle her connection resurfacing? How will Kanan take not only having a padawan but now his daughter struggling with the force and her future? Will he step forward and train her or will she find a new master to serve?


Black and Blood

            Macey Blackstone, a 22-year-old graduate student at Southern Oregon University moved to Ashland, Oregon to attend school. Macey has been a functional mute for as long as she can remember. When Macey was three she was attacked by a wolf who scratched her neck severing her vocal cords. It was a miracle that Macey survived at all however since the accident she had lost her ability to speak. However, that never slowed Macey down and she took life head on using ASL to communicate. But when she moves to Ashland and reunites with her older brother she ends up being thrown into a world that she never thought was possible. Will she be able to accept this new life? Or will it all be too much for her to handle?

            All but one of these are fanfictions the only one that is a pure original will be my werewolf story. These are just stories that I have dabbled in and kind of already have some kind of footing. Life has just been a little crazy recently so I'm not sure when my next story will be posted. However, below all of this is a list of the stories that I have completed and are already posted if you are new to my page. I hope to hear from all of you very soon.

1.          Epi(lepti)c Summer – A Bondi Rescue Fanfiction (Part of the Epi(lepti)c Series)

2.          Though the Monsters – A Bondi Rescue Fanfiction and sequel to Epi(lepti)c Summer(Part of the Epi(lepti)c Series)

3.          This is My Leap – A side novel/prequel to the Epi(lepti)c Series

4.          Lone Star Family Values – A 9-1-1 Lone Star Fanfiction

Lone Star Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now