Chapter 39

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Quick A/N. Sorry it's so short but I hope you still like it. Enjoy:)

Eyes on the Horizon

Had Bailey and Noah meant to fall asleep up at the point that night? No, no they had not. Had they though? Oh most definitely. It was sun breaching over the Austin horizon and hitting Bailey's face that woke her. She grumbled a bit and buried herself deeper into Noah's bare chest. Noah pulled her tighter against his body and Bailey smiled at his warmth. When a cold breeze hit her body, Bailey knew that something wasn't right. She peeled her eyes open and froze.

"Oh shit." She said, feeling around in search of her phone.

"Bails, what are you doing?" Noah muttered.

"Noah, wake up." She said, shaking her boyfriend.

"What? What? I'm up?" Noah said, reaching up to rub his face.

"Noah it's morning." Bailey said, pushing herself up a bit on his chest.

"Huh?" Noah groaned.

"It's morning," Bailey repeated. "We never got home last night."

            Noah's eyes shot open.


She was dressed in only the t-shirt that Noah and shed the night before and her underwear. Safe to say, she was not dressed to still be out, let alone to never have gone home after a late night tryst at the Austin Point Lookout with her boyfriend. Bailey flopped back down on Noah and he grunted a bit from the impact.

"My dads are going to kill me." She mumbled against his skin.

            Noah ran his hand up under the fabric of Bailey's shirt – his shirt – in a soothing gesture.

"Maybe we can sneak in without your them noticing." Noah said, his voice still heavy with sleep.

            Bailey arched a brow. Noah looked down at her.

"Yeah I didn't think so." He said.

"At least you don't have to sneak into your house too. Maybe you can squeak by with only one lecture."

            Noah laughed.

"You know you have two dads right?" He asked. "One of them has access to guns and the other could probably kill me and nearly kill me and have a whole team of firefighters to help him make it look like an accident."

            Bailey couldn't help but laugh even though she could feel the beginnings of her anxiety clawing at the pit of her stomach.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious." Noah said but he couldn't help the smile that played at his mouth.

If Noah lost everything else that was going for him (which was a lot) he would always be able to make Bailey laugh.


            Bailey pocked her head through the front door of her house, looking around to see if the coast was clear. TK and Carlos, she could see were cuddled up on the couch under a blanket passed out cold. No doubt they had been fallen asleep waiting for her and Noah to return from their date. Bailey quietly tip-toed into the foyer, quickly followed by Noah. They were hoping to get upstairs and into Bailey's room without waking up Bailey's fathers. Both teens cringed, however, as the front door shut harder than she had intended behind her and Noah. TK and Carlos shot up off the couch ready to go to war it seemed, though apparently nobody had told their balance since they were a bit unsteady on their feet.

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