Chapter 30

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Bigger Family

            "I cannot believe this is actually happening right now." Bailey mumbled straightening out her shirt for maybe the tenth time.

Carlos looked up in the rearview mirror and chuckled.

"Mija, calm down," He said. "They're really excited to meet you."

They were currently driving to Carlos' parents' house. Originally, the meeting was supposed to be at their house but with the repairs still not quite finished, they'd decided to move it to Carlos' parents' ranch. TK turned around in the passenger seat and looked back at their daughter.

"Why are you so nervous kiddo?" He asked.

Bailey shrugged and hummed. TK gave her a knowing look.

"You do know, come on sweetheart." TK pushed.

Bailey sighed and bit the inside of her cheek.

"It's just that I never met them when I was around as a foster and now I'm just showing up as an adopted granddaughter and I just don't want them to not like me." She said.

Carlos understood where she was coming from, they hadn't done things conventionally in any way shape of form. So it made sense that Bailey was nervous.

"I know that it's weird to be showing up as a part of the family while never having met anybody," Carlos said. "But, dad and I have told them so much about you. They know about your art and we've sent them pictures of you and the things we've done as a family. And you know about them, I've told you stories and different little things. You're not a stranger to them Bails, you're their granddaughter."

Bailey listed to her papá's words intently. He was right, he had told her about them numerous times and she knew quite a bit about them and the rest of his family.

"Are your sisters and cousins going to be there?" Bailey asked.

"I'm actually not sure," Carlos said. "It was still up in the air when I last talked to them."

TK turned back around and glanced out of the window before turning back to Bailey and smiling.

"It looks like we're about to find out," He said. "We're here."


She stuck by her fathers like glue as they made their way up the pathway to the front of the house. There were several cars around the front of the house and they could hear many voices coming from the backyard. Apparently papá's sisters and cousins had decided to come which meant more people and Bailey wasn't sure how to feel about that. When they made it up to the porch TK looked at Bailey with a soft smile.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Sure." She squeaked.

Carlos wrapped his arm around Bailey's shoulders and knocked on the door. He and TK knew that Bailey was nervous though they wished they could somehow calm her nerves, they also knew that the only way that her nerves would go away was meeting the family and realizing that they had already accepted her even in their distance. The door opened, revealing Carlos' mother, a broad smile on her face.

"OH! Carlitos, TK, Bailey, you made it." She pushed the screen door open and TK caught it, pulling it open the rest of the way.

"Hola mamá." Carlos said, accepting the hug that his mother offered.

Andrea turned to Bailey with a smile.

"Bailey, I'm so happy to meet you. Gabriel is out back trying to get the grill to light, I swear it gives out every other week," She laughed. "Come in, come in, everybody is out back already. The kids have been talking about playing catch with you, TK, since the last time we all got together and I think that Rosa and Miguel are about to lose their minds."

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