Chapter 24

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Popped Four

            As he sat down to eat, TK's cell phone started to ring. Judd laughed.

"How many times is that today?" He asked.

"Too many. First Bailey's case agent, then the hospital to confirm her next appointment, the pharmacy saying that they lost her script, Carlos for the grocery list and this time the winner is..." TK pulled out his phone and his face blanched. "The High School."

The 126 all stopped immediately.

"Oh dear god what did that girl get into now." Judd muttered.

TK quickly accepted the call and held it up to his ear.

"Hello?" TK asked tightly.

"Hello, is this Mr. Strand?" A male voice came through the receiver.

"It is." TK said.

"Hello Mr. Strand, this is Mr. Cole from Bailey's high school. I'm so sorry to bother you but she wouldn't let me call anybody else." He said.

TK's brow furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Bailey came into the office about five minutes ago having torn a couple stitches in her side, she's not bleeding too badly, we would still normally call an ambulance. However Bailey would only let me call you, she insisted that you could help and that emergency services weren't needed." Mr. Cole said.

"She did what?" TK all but shouted and the 126 again looked ready to jump up if they needed to.

"Should we call an ambulance then?" Mr. Cole asked.

"No, no I'm a paramedic my team and I will be there in ten minutes. Do not let her go anywhere, she should have a water bottle in her backpack, make her drink it." TK said getting up from his chair.

"Will do sir, we'll see you soon." Mr. Cole said.

TK hung up and hit the table.

"Dad, call dispatch, take the ambulance off the route." He said running for his bag.

"What's going on?" Owen asked.

"Bailey tore her stitches but wouldn't let the school call 9-1-1. Can you call Carlos and have him meet us at the hospital please?" He asked.

Tommy and Nanci were right behind him. TK sat in the passenger seat of the ambulance and pushed the heels of his palms into his eyes.

"Didn't Bailey do that exact same thing when this whole thing started?" Nanci asked, looking over at her partner briefly before turning back to the road.

"You mean when Bailey pulled her port? That start of things?" TK asked.

"Yeah." Nanci agreed.

"Yeah, it's one of the things we have in common. Nervous tick." TK said.

TK was jumping out of the ambulance before Nanci even put it in park. He ran through the front doors of the school and straight into the office.

"Dad!" He heard Bailey's voice. He spun and saw her sitting in a chair, a hand pressed tightly to her side.

Noah sat with her, TK could see that he was trying to stay calm but he was scared, worried for Bailey.

"Bailey," He breathed and kneeled in front of his daughter. "What the hell happened?"

"I was in class and I turned around to talk to somebody and I guess I twisted too far. I felt it pop and then Noah told me that I was bleeding. It's not bad Dad I promise, but I know I busted a couple stitches." Bailey rambled.

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