Chapter 4

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The 126 had just gotten back from a series of calls, they'd been gone for a few hours and the team was ready for a well-deserved break and/or nap. TK kneeled down next to Buttercup when the dog emerged from behind the couch.

"Hey buddy." TK crooned.

            Buttercup panted happily, pushing his head into TK's hand enjoying the contact.

"Uh, TK." Paul called.

            TK groaned, leaning his head against Buttercup's back. He just wanted to sleep.

"What Paul?" He asked.

"TK can you come in here please?" Paul asked.

            TK groaned again but stood and walked into the sitting room. Paul was standing by the couch. When he saw TK he only pointed to the couch with his eyebrows raised.

"Paul," TK said walking over to his colleague. "What do you nee-"

            TK stopped talking when he looked down at the couch and saw Bailey curled up asleep hugging one of the throw pillows.

"What is she doing here?" He muttered.

            TK reached over the back of the couch and shook Bailey's shoulder. She started awake.

"Hey, hey you're okay." TK assured her.

            Bailey turned over to look up at him and he saw that her eyes were red and puffy as though she'd been crying.

"TK?" She whispered, her voice broken and scratchy as tears started to fall down her cheeks again.

            TK didn't know what to do as Bailey cried.

"Bailey what's going on?" TK asked.

"W-we-we're m-mo-v-ving away." Bailey arched out, her words wavering as she hiccupped through them.

"What? Where?" TK asked.

"El Paso." She sobbed pushing herself up and TK wrapped his arms tight around her.

            TK looked at Paul, his eyes wide. This couldn't be happening.


            Bailey was sitting with Marjan and Owen in the living room while TK had gone up to his dad's office to call Carlos.

"They can't just move her across the state, Carlos. This can't be happening." TK said, Carlos on the other end of the line.

"They can if that's what they want to do." Carlos said.

            TK groaned, pacing back and forth.

"She's lived her whole life in Austin, Carlos. There's got to be something that can be done." He said.

            Carlos grew quiet for a moment. Their foster application was in but it could still be weeks before they even get approved for a home visit, let alone approved to take in a foster.

"Carlos?" TK asked.

"Let me make a couple of calls, find out what I can and I'll come by the station in a bit okay?" Carlos said. "She's there right now?"

"Yeah she's here. She's pretty upset Carlos. Marjan and my dad are down there with her now. I don't know how long she's been here but she fell asleep crying and when I woke her up she started crying almost immediately." TK said.

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