Chapter 40

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The Walk

Bailey took a deep breath as she pulled out her cap and gown. This was really happening. She was graduating high school, with honors and a full ride to UCLA. She smiled and closed her eyes as a lump began to form in her throat. 17 years she thought about this day, the day that she would officially be free from the horrors of the foster care system and now, after the last year she had mixed feelings about it. She'd learned so much these past months and gained even more. She had expanded her inner circle to point of overflowing but she wouldn't change it for the world. This was how she wanted to live, surrounded by people who she loved and who she knew loved her in return. Noah had texted her earlier that morning and that had again brought a smile to her face. He had decided on a school in Arizona so they would be attempting a long distance situation but she was just happy that he had found someplace that he liked.

            She pulled the gown on over her dress and zipped it up. It took some work to make sure her cap wasn't going to pop off of her head but six bobby pins later she was confident she wasn't going to lose it until she wanted to. She looked at herself in the full length mirror hanging on the back of her door and her breath caught, this was reality, she'd made it.


            TK's eyes flipped around the bedroom as he looked around trying to gather everything they may need. Jacket, wallet, tissues, oh lord, what else was he forgetting.

"Babe." Carlos said, catching his boyfriend's attention.

            TK looked over to him.

"Relax, she's not leaving yet." Carlos said, resting his hands on TK's shoulders.

            TK took a deep breath.

"I know, it's just crazy that this is actually happening," He said. "I mean after everything she's been through, moving around for most of her life and then finally settling here, the trauma, the anxiety, the fire, then more anxiety, and now graduating," TK continued. "How did this happen so quickly?"

            Carlos smiled.

"Sadly, time doesn't stop," He said. "She's ready, and besides, she's gonna be in LA. The 118 is right there if they need her and you know that she's going to be calling home every chance she gets. That's just who she is."

"Yeah, you're right." TK agreed.

"And it's just graduation today. She's not taking off on us." Carlos reminded him.

            TK laughed.

"You make a very valid point." He relented.

            Carlos shrugged.

"I make a few of those every now and again." He said with a smile.

            TK laughed.

"Let's go get this girl graduated." He said.

            Carlos smiled.

"Let's." He agreed.


            The ceremony felt like it went in slow motion, speeches, waiting, more speeches, and again more waiting until finally it was time for diplomas. Noah was rows ahead of her since his last name started with A while hers rested towards the end beginning with a R. She waited albeit a bit anxiously as slowly, row by row students stood, walked and were seated again. Until finally she was standing and taking small steps forward until she was at the top of the steps leading to the stage.

"Bailey Reyes-Strand." The principal announced.

            Bailey took a deep breath as she walked across the stage, taking the diploma from the principal and shaking his hand she turned toward the photographer in the crowd with a smile. Behind the photographer though, was her family. The whole of the 126 and their families, abuelo and abuela, her cousins and aunts and uncles, even Mitchell and his wife, son, and new foster twins. Her smile grew wider, she'd learned so much from them and she couldn't wait to see what lessons would come tomorrow and the next day and the next. After all, what's Texas without a few lone star family values.

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