Chapter 14

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Day by Day

Bailey's alarm went off long before she was ready for it to. 6:30 was way too early to be awake, especially for something so as obnoxiously normal as high school. She stared at her ceiling, willing herself to move though she knew it would take more than that to actually get up and get ready. TK and Carlos had asked her if she was excited for senior year so many times that her answer had become robotic, "Yeah, it'll be fun." Whether it was true or not, well, she'd figure it out at some point.

"Bailey, you up?" TK's voice echoed throughout the house and through her slightly cracked door.

            Bailey sighed.

"Yeah!" Bailey called back throwing her comforter off of herself and rolled onto her feet.

            She quickly got dressed, trying her best to look presentable for the first day. She'd been going to the school for a year already but she still wanted to make a good impression on her first day. Pulling on a light outfit and smiled at herself in the mirror. She felt good but nervous to start the year again. Bailey headed down the stairs where TK and Carlos were waiting. Carlos had made her favorite breakfast, French toast with blackberries and strawberries. She tucked in with no word. Carlos glanced at TK over his coffee mug who shook his head, just as confused by their normally happy daughter's current demeanor.

"So Bails," Carlos said. "TK's gonna take you to school since I have to go in early, okay?"

            Bailey looked up and nodded.

"Okay." She said simply.

            Carlos was still confused but continued anyway, leaning on the counter so that he could catch her eye.

"I want to hear all about your day when I get home," He said softly. "But I do want a hug before I go."

            Bailey looked up, her eyes soft and he could see the anxiety shining there. Carlos walked around the counter and Bailey sunk into his arms. He held her tight for a moment, just allowing her to take comfort in his touch.

"You're gonna be great, mija." Carlos said softly, kissing the top of her head.

            Bailey nodded against his chest and he squeezed her one more time before letting her go.

"Okay, good bye my lovely family." Carlos said, kissing TK before grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

            TK watched Bailey for a moment and taking a deep breath before slowly eating his own breakfast. There could be a number of reasons why she may have woken up in a mood but he really hopes it's just first day nerves.


"You ready for school?" TK asked, pulling out of the driveway.

            Bailey nodded and shifted anxiously in her seat. She tried to hide her nerves but TK could see it.

"You're gonna be fine Bails, besides you can always call if you need something," TK said. "And if worse comes to worse, call Grace, she's on shift and has her cell phone sitting on her desk just in case."

            Bailey nodded again.

"I know, I just don't want something to happen is all." She shrugged.

"That's understandable," TK nodded. "But, we roll with the punches."

            When they pulled. Up to the school Bailey took a deep breath.

"Hey," TK said, gripping her shoulder gently and squeezing it reassuringly. "Believe you're going to have a good day and you will. Everything's gonna be great."

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