Chapter-23 "Pain"

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Anirudh's POV:-

I sat on the bed with a thud. Uncontrollable tears flowing down my eyes. It's been almost 14 hours since Bondita is missing. I was losing hope with each passing second. I was going to confess to her but what happened? I cried hard.

We all went to police station but they denied us saying that no missing report can be written until 24 hours. I was feeling so helpless.

(Really guys I just hate this system in India that you can't report a missing report before 24 hours. If someone would have kidnapped the missing person then in 24 hours he can take the person abroad.)

Today in morning we all have decided that we will not tell our parents about Bondita's missing as they will be tensed. We will tell them when there will be no way left. And now I think that I will surely have to use my trump card. I will have to call our parents and explain them everything.

I took out my phone and was going to call them but Samar entered in my room screaming my name.

"Anirudhhhh!! "

"What happened Samar? "

"Bondita is in great danger. "

I felt my soul shrunk. Till the time, Jahnvi, Som, Batuk and Kartik also came in my room.

"What do you mean? " I said with trembling voice.

"We.......we found.......Bondita's car's location" He stammered as if fighting with an inner turmoil whether to tell me or not.

"Samar continue your sentence. " I said impatiently. A ray of hope that may be I can find Bondita. He took a deep breath.

"I will tell you from starting. " He started. "In all the cars of Das Mansion there is a GPS sensor fitted in them. I got to know about this from Jahnvi. I went to Das Mansion and tracked Bondita's car's location and saw that........ "

"What did you see? " Jahnvi asked him restlessly.

"Dada say fast what did you see please" Som and Batuk begged to him.

"Samar please say" Kartik also insisted.

"Samar!" I shook him.

"I saw that Bondita's car was near Vile Parle-Bandra-Kulra Stretch. " He said and everyone gasped while I stood there in shock.

'Vile Parle-Bandra-Kulra Stretch'

The name kept on ringing in my ears.

Bondita's POV:-

I opened my eyes slowly but can't see anything as I was blindfolded. My head started paining. I tried to hold my head to stop the pain but my hands were tied. I was shocked. I wanted to scream but my mouth was covered with a cloth. Suddenly I remembered yesterday's events.

Confession...... Letter....... Anirudh........Trisha.....

I remembered everything and anger rushed through my veins. I always had a doubt on Trisha but I never thought that she would do something like this.


I felt a slap of water on my face. Someone opened my eyes and I was shocked to see a woman, nearly the age of Kartik dada, in front of me sitting on a chair and Trisha holding the water jug and smirking at me. I looked around to find myself tied on a wooden chair. My hands tied with rope on the arm of chair and legs with the front legs of chair. I struggled to move but of no use.

"Shhh..... Calm down sweetie. " The woman in front of me said to me. I looked at her with anger in my eyes and struggled to say something. She gestured something to Trisha and Trisha opened my mouth.

I catched my breath while panting. "Oh don't worry. Have this. " The woman offered me a glass of water and brought the water near my mouth but I spilled all the water in the ground.

Her calm expression changed into anger and she held my jaw tightly in her fingers. "Don't you know that we should not waste water. " She yelled at me and slapped me hard that my side lip got a cut but I again looked at her with same fury in my eyes.

"Leave me!! " I yelled at her and she started laughing and Trisha and some goons, who were present there, also joined her. I looked at them confused.

Are they mad?

"Don't you know that if one time someone comes here then only his dead body goes outside. " The woman said.

"Who are you and why are you doing this to me? " I asked her.

"Don't you know me? " She said sarcastically. "Okay leave that! I think that you know her. " She pointed towards Trisha while I looked at her in disgust.

"What happened Bondita? " Trisha said to me. "Don't you know me? "

"Why are you doing this? What have I done to you? "

"What did you do? " The woman again interrupted us. "You have loved Anirudh"

"So how that matters to you? "

"It matters to me because I sent Trisha to fascinate him but he is in love with you and because of you my whole plan got ruined. "

Plan? Which type of plan? And Anirudh loves me?

I don't know why but when she said that Anirudh loves me then suddenly I got courage to fight with anything. I felt something strange in me. I felt like I am gaining some energy.

I suddenly started laughing. Everyone was looking at me confused. "Ayy why are you laughing? " Trisha asked me.

"Because I never saw fools like you" I said and the woman again slapped me but I again looked at her with the same rage and that cunning smile.

She again held my jaw. "I think that you are bored with your life "

She left my jaw. "I am not bored with my life instead you gave me a reason to live and fight for my life. "

They looked at me shocked while I smirked at them. "You told me that Anirudh loves me and that's the only reason for my living. "

They all looked at each other and laughed out loud. "I think that she is mad. " The woman said to Trisha.

"No Miss or Mrs whosever you are. I am not mad. You guys don't know the real power of true love and my love for him is pure and I know that my love will come to save me. "

The woman smirked at me. "This is the only reason that I don't like people who love each other. Do you know how did you reach here? After knowing that this place is the most dangerous area of Mumbai, you still came here. Why? " She leaned towards me.

"Because you thought that Anirudh is in danger but you didn't knew that you will be in danger. And the same will happen with Anirudh. He will come to search you and then he will also be captivated. "


What you think who is that woman?

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