Chapter-19 "Disaster"

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Anirudh's POV:-

"Don't you think that it's too much. I am just going to watch a movie with her, not to propose her. " I said frustrated.

"Shut up Ani! " Samar glared at me.

"Yes Dada just keep quiet and let us do our work. And what wrong we are doing? " Batuk said.

"You aren't doing anything wrong but you are doing more than it's needed. " I justified myself.

"Achha! How? " Som said.

"What's all this? This tuxedo? Are you guys serious! Who wears a tuxedo for movie? " I said to them sarcastically, pointing towards the tuxedo, kept on the bed.

"And this! " I picked up the expensive watch which was kept on the tuxedo. "Who wears this Royal watch in movie hall? "

They all stood there in deep thoughts.

Huh! Brainless personalities.

They all turned towards each other and discussed something. I tried to listen to them but they again turned towards me and I made a straight face.

"Okay Ani! Wear whatever you want" Samar said and they all went from there.

Bondita's POV:-

I wore a white coloured striped off-shoulder sleeveless knee length dress. Going with a movie with friends is really fun. Anirudh will also be coming. It's very common, isn't it? Then why I am feeling nervous all of a sudden? I don't know what is happening with me! I shrugged off my thoughts when I heard a car honk. Anirudh, Batuk and Som will be coming to pick me up. Jaanu and Samar will reach there by their car. And John with his girlfriend will also be coming.

I rushed outside and saw Anirudh getting down of the car and I can't stop myself from staring at him. He was looking devilishly handsome in a black shirt and jeans and properly gelled hairs. When his eyes met mine I again got lost in them.

I came in real world when I heard Som calling me to come fast. I went towards the car and we all reached the movie theater. Jaanu, Samar, John and a girl were waiting for us outside the theater.

I hugged Jaanu and Samar. I went towards John. "Hey! "

"Hi Bondita. How are you? "

"Good and you? "

"Fine "

"By the way who is she? " I pointed towards the girl beside him.

"She is my girlfriend, Trisha" He introduced her.
"And Trisha she is Bondita, friend of Anirudh"

Trisha's smile vanished at the last sentence but she kept a fake smile and greeted me. I felt too weird but ignored it and greeted her back. After a good chit chat we all headed towards the movie hall.

"I am bringing an ice cream" Batuk said and went with Som.

I have been observing Trisha since a long time. The way she sees Anirudh makes me jealous and I think Anirudh also gets uncomfortable. I don't know what is wrong with her and why I am feeling jealous.

After few minutes Som and Batuk came with Ice cream and started distributing it. When my turn came the ice cream from his hands fell down and ruined my dress.

"Sorry sorry Bondita didi. My hand slipped" He apologised.

"It's ok Batuk. I will clean it. Where is the washroom? "

"It's over there" He pointed on the left. From the corner of my eye I can see Trisha smirking. I went towards the washroom and started cleaning my dress. After about 5 minutes I went at the place where we were before but to my surprise no one was there. I looked here and there and a girl from a nearby stall came and said to me, " Are you searching Mr. Samar Rajvansh? "

I nodded in yes.

"Well he said me to give this note to you" She handed me a paper and went. I opened the paper and read it.

                The movie was going to start and the guards told us not to make a crowd here. So, we all went in the hall. You don't get worry and come in the movie hall.

I closed the paper. And started going towards the hall. But wait! Which movie are we going to watch? Samar said that it's a surprise and didn't mention the movie name in the letter too. I sighed and went in the first room. No one was there. I went in second room and spotted Anirudh sitting there. I rushed to him and sat beside him. He looked shocked at first but then smiled at me.

"Are you okay? "

"Yes. But where are others? "

"I don't know they told me to sit here and they will come. "

"Oh "

Although I was feeling it too weird that how everyone could go away at the same time but also felt happy that I and Anirudh were with each other. The movie started and I got engaged in it. In the interval Anirudh bought popcorn and we both started eating the popcorns. I was so involved in the movie that I didn't noticed that by mistakenly I took the popcorn from his bucket and our fingers brushed. I felt electric waves passing through my spine. I removed my hand and muttered a sorry.

After about 1.5 hour the movie was over and we both stood up.

"It was really nice " I exclaimed.

"Hmm now I think we should go"

Anirudh's POV:-

We both went outside and Samar with everyone also came. I excused myself for washroom as I very well knew that Bondita would ask a lot of questions and I don't want to answer any of them and get screwed up. Of course it was all our plan so that I and Bondita can spend sometime alone.

I came from the washroom and someone pulled me by my collar in the corner. I looked at the person and was shocked to see Trisha pulling me towards her. Anger rushed through my veins and I pushed her. "What the hell are you doing? "

"Anirudh I really love you and want to spend my life with you. "

"Sorry but I already love someone else. " I replied rudely. She looked shocked and I internally smirked.

"No you are lying" She said hopefully.

"No I am not" I replied sternly. She seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Who is it? " She asked me.

"Why should I tell you? " I crossed my arms across my chest.

"If you really love someone then tell me her name or else accept my proposal" She said frustrating me. Unable to control my anger, I yelled at her, " I love Bondita. Did you hear it? I love Bondita from all my heart and no one can take her place, so remove your thoughts that I would accept your proposal. "

She smirked. "Oh common Anirudh! I am way better than her and you don't even know that she love you or not"

"No matter if she love me or not but I love her and would always love her. And don't dare to compare yourself with her"

"Oh shut up! These love and all is nothing. We only love someone to spend night with them. And I will provide you everything. My body and my heart will be yours. Accept me! " She said coming closer to me and stroking my face. I pushed her so hard that she fell on the ground.

"You are not worthy to be called a girl. You people are just disgusting. How can you think like this" I yelled at her.

"How dare you to push me? Now just wait and watch Anirudh Roy Chaudhary what I will do. Remember that I will not spare you" She pointed a finger towards me and went.

How can someone be so cheap! What did she think of herself? I need to tell about her to John before it's too late.

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