9) Scared

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TYLER; why shouting?

NOAH; oh, I'm sorry buddy, but foods here!

TYLER; yay! [gets off Noah's lap ad sits beside him]

CJ; [asleep]

DIXIE; CJ baby?

CJ; [digs her head into Noah's chest]

NOAH; foods here princess

CJ; [looks up at Noah and smiles]

NOAH; sleepyhead [smiles]

CJ; [giggles and sits up straight, still on his lap]

NOAH; [feeds her some of her eggs and eats some of his own] are they nice?

CJ; yummy!

DIXIE; baby, come over here to me and let Noah eat his own food! [opens her arms]

NOAH; shes ok dix, unless I'm intruding?

DIXIE; no, no you're ok, I love seeing you 3 together!

NOAH; I'm only a babysitter after all. I dont want to be too much

DIXIE; dont say that, you're way more than just that [lays her head on his shoulder as they eat]

NOAH; [smiles at her and continues eating] do you want some more princess?

CJ; wes pwease [opens her mouth for Noah]

NOAH; [feeds her more] good girl [turns to Tyler] you ok buddy?

TYLER; [mouth full] I'm good

DIXIE; what did we say about speaking with our mouth full bud?

TYLER; sorry mommy

DIXIE; its ok, make sure you chew properly

TYLER; I will mommy

AUTHORS POV; they all finished eating and the waiter came back with their bill

WAITER; there you go [winks]

NOAH; here [gives her the money]

WAITER; [writes her phone number on the receipt and hands it to him]

NOAH; can you stop please! [gets mad and stands up holding CJ]

DIXIE; Noah, baby! Let's just go...

NOAH; [yelling] no! She needs to back off, I told her multiple times to leave me alone!

CJ; [starts crying] mommy? [reaches for dixie]

DIXIE; [takes CJ from Noah] come here baby, shh shh its ok [rubs her back]

WAITER; [smirks] whoops, looks like the child is scared of you now!

NOAH; [storms out of the restaurant, mad]

DIXIE; [takes Tyler's hand, with CJ in her arms and follows Noah out of the restaurant]

AUTHORS POV; Noah is sitting in the car very frustrated and dixie gets to the car with the twins

DIXIES POV; I strap the kids into their car seats and sit in the passenger seat to see Noah sitting in the driver's seat with his head rested on the steering wheel

CJ; [crying because she's scared] Mommy! Mommy!

DIXIE; shh baby, what's wrong [reaches back and grabs her hand]

CJ; s-sc-scared [crying]

DIXIE; of what baby? What are you scared of?

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