22) The Surgery

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DIXIE; how you feeling now baby?

NOAH; g-good [trying to hide his pain and act tough]

DIXIE; [runs her fingers through his hair] tell me honestly bubs!

NOAH; i-im fine baby... [tears roll uncontrollably down his cheeks]

DIXIE; shh, shh baby, its alright, go to sleep and ill be here when you wake up!

NOAH; thank you so much for everything baby!

DIXIE; whispers* no problem bub, go to sleep Mr. Handsome

NOAH; [smiles a bit and closes his eyes]

DIXIE; [plays with his curls until he falls asleep, when he falls asleep she pulls the blanket over him and puts zozo in his arms] whispers* goodnight my love, you mean the world to me, never forget that no matter what [kisses his head and sits in the chair beside his bed and falls asleep holding his hand]

[[[[THE NEXT MORNING]]] [6:30am]

DOC; [opens the door slowly and says softly] good morning Mr. Beck...

DIXIE; [wakes up] oh sorry doc!

DOC; not a problem, but we need Mr Beck awake in 10 minutes for surgery if that's ok...

DIXIE; of course I'll wake him right away! [stands up]

DOC; i will be back in soon [smiles and leaves]

DIXIE; [stands beside his bed, kisses him on the lips and massages his head] good morning my handsome boy!

NOAH; [wakes up] morning princess! [sleepy voice]

DIXIE; i know you're tired babe but the doctor said you need to be awake in 10 minutes...

NOAH; ok, thank you baby, i love you

DIXIE; I love you more, ready to use the bathroom?

NOAH; y-yeah [winces in pain while trying to sit up]

DIXIE; whoa whoa whoa! easy tiger! [giggles] don't rush yourself and take it slow [wheels the wheelchair to the side of the bed so its closer to him]

NOAH; thanks dix [smiles and sits in the wheelchair]

AUTHOR'S POV; Dixie wheels Noah into the bathroom and he brushes his teeth and she helps him to use the toilet (a/n don't make this weird, its not like that XD) they finish up in the bathroom and they go back out to the room, Noah decides to stay in the wheelchair as he will be brought to the operating room in it anyway

DIXIE; best of luck in your surgery baby!

NOAH; thank you, oh and Dixie?

DIXIE; yeah? what's up? [worried because he never calls her Dixie]

NOAH; if something goes severely wrong and something tragic happens, just remember I love you forever and always and don't ever forget about me please [a single tear falls] oh and one more thing.... don't make a big deal out of my funeral, just invite my family in AZ, your mom and the twin's, I don't want anything special.... except a picture of me and you in the coffin for me please...

DIXIE; Noah? nothing bad like that is gonna happen, please don't say that! now I'm gonna be worried [crying]

NOAH; I'm sorry beautiful, don't cry! I'm just saying because they are operating on a very delicate part of me, its right beside my lungs and heart baby.....

DIXIE; how am I supposed to not cry Noah? you're literally talking about your death and your funeral! [turns away from him and cries into her hands]

NOAH; dix? [tears up] I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't mean to upset you.... I just wanted to make sure that if I did die---

DIXIE; sh-shut up Noah [cries harder] i-i ha-have to g-go

NOAH; no dix-- fine..... I love you...

DIXIE; whatever [walks out of the room crying and goes outside for air]

AUTHOR'S POV; Dixie has been outside sitting on a bench for 5 minutes, meanwhile with Noah

DOC; [walks in] ready for surgery Mr. Beck?

NOAH; [sighs] yeah I guess, oh and please call me Noah

DOC; of course [wheels him out of the room in the wheelchair]

AUTHOR'S POV; the doctor takes Noah to the operating room and they prep for surgery, meanwhile with Dixie, outside

DIXIE; talking to herself* I should go inside and apologise for over reacting..... [gets up and goes to Noah's room]

AUTHOR'S POV; there is only a female doctor in Noah's room checking his test results on the clip board

DIXIE; wh-where's Noah?

DOC; oh, Mr. Beck? he went into surgery already, can i do anything for you? I'm just finished...

DIXIE; no, i-its f-fine

DOC; ok, you can wait here or in the waiting room....

DIXIE; I'll stay here if that's ok? [trying not to cry]

DOC; of course [leaves]

DIXIE; [sits on his bed] talking to herself* I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to over react like that, I should have just listened to you, then I would have been here for you and to tell you everything was gonna be ok... and give you a good luck kiss! please be okay my love!

AUTHOR'S POV; Noah is in surgery for 2 hours and Dixie stays in his room thinking and praying for him until she is brought out of her thoughts by the room door opening, she shoots up from the seat to meet the doctor

DIXIE; how is he? how did the surgery go? is he ok? [panicking]

DOC; umm... take a seat ma'am...

DIXIE; what? no!? tell me how he is? is he ok?

DOC; well unfortunately the surgery didn't go as planned...




this gets juicyyy!!! oh and i have a question..... WHT IS NO ONE COMMENTING IDEAS ON EITHER OF MY STORIES?!?!

I. NEED. IDEAS. love yall

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