23) Dead?!

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DOC; I'm sorry ma'am but during the surgery there was a problem with the broken bone that had punctured the lung and as we tried to remove it... the lung burst fully, there is still a possibility that he can live with one working lung but we wont know until the anaesthesia wears off completely....

DIXIE; you have to be kidding me! [breaks down] wh-what's the worst that can happen?

DOC; well... the worst possible outcome is that he wakes up from the anaesthesia and cant breathe with only one lung which will cause him to suffocate and unfortunately die, and there is no way to save him if that happens

DIXIE; [her heart starts pounding] no, no, no I didn't even get to tell him I love him [breaks down crying]

DOC; [gets awkward] ill let you be! [leaves]

DIXIE; i need to text mom! [gets out her phone and text Heidi]

AUTHORS POV; Heidi leaves the twins with Charli at her apartment and arrives at the hospital, she goes straight to Noah's room and sees Dixie hyperventilating

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AUTHORS POV; Heidi leaves the twins with Charli at her apartment and arrives at the hospital, she goes straight to Noah's room and sees Dixie hyperventilating

HEIDI; aww my baby, come here [embraces her in a hug] what happened?

DIXIE; n-Noah.s surgery didn't go w-well and he only has one lung and when the anaesthesia wears off and he wakes up he could suffocate and die and there is nothing they can do and we got in an argument before he left f-for surgery and i didn't get to wish him luck or even tell him i love him or give him a kiss or anything [crying hysterically]

HEIDI; I know this is terrible news but you need to calm down dix, Noah is so strong we all know that and he will get through this!

DIXIE; how can you be sure?! [shouting]

HEIDI; love calm down please! [rubbing her back]

AUTHOR'S POV; (a/n don't want to have EVERY intricate detail in it so I'm just gonna skip 2 hours) Noah was brought back into the room, Dixie has not let go of his hand since they brought him back, he is still under the anaesthesia but it is slowly wearing off, he should wake up any minute and it is just Dixie Noah and Heidi in the room. Dixie has brought herself to terms with what is happening and has calmed down but is still worrying

NOAH; [moves his fingers]

DIXIE; mom!!! get the doctor quick!

AUTHORS POV; Heidi gets two doctors and they come into the room

DIXIE; he moved his hand!

DOC; ok there is nothing we can do until we know if he can live with one lung so we will stay over here in the corner so he doesn't see us straight away and panic, just start talking to him [both doctors go into the corner and observe Noah as Dixie is talking to him]

DIXIE; hey handsome! can you move your fingers if you can hear me?

NOAH; [squeezes her hand]

DIXIE; are you in pain baby?

NOAH; [slowly nods his head]

DIXIE; [starts to panic and looks at the doctors]

DOC/S; mouths* calm down, breathe [hand movements]

DIXIE; [takes a deep breath] ok baby, everything is gonna be alright, I promise and I'm gonna be everywhere with you, if that means here in this hospital room, at home on the couch or in god's loving arms up in heaven... I'll be there with you! okay?

NOAH; [squeezes her hand and nods] o-okay [in a raspy voice just above a whisper]

AUTHOR'S POV; the doctors slowly approach noah and check his vitals, they share a worried look with one another

DIXIE; what is it? he's ok right? he was talking!

AUTHORS POV; all of a sudden noah starts gasping for air and moving around, the doctors start compressions until noah just stops and the heart rate machine thing goes to a straight line and a constant beep

DIXIE; no!! Noah, baby, bub, please stay with me, please, please, please!!

DOC; I'm so sorry ma'am but he's gone....

HEIDI; [starts crying]

DIXIE; [more mad than sad, runs out of the hospital]

HEIDI; [runs after her]

DIXIE; [gets to the busiest road in Cali] (a/n its an exaggeration plus I'm not from Cali or even America so.... lol back to the story) [about to run onto the road when Heidi grabs her arm]

HEIDI; don't do this honey please, your kids need you, i need you, Charli needs you, Kate needs you! please.... [crying]

DIXIE; i have to mom! i made a promise wherever he goes i go too! my baby needs me!! there is nothing left for me here, my only love is gone, i need to be with him!

HEIDI; [pulls her into a hug] you don't need to do this honey but if he makes you this happy that you're willing to take your own life for him then i don't wanna stop you from being happy, just wait till i leave please, don't do it in front of me.... [gets a call]


HEIDI; what?! this is a miracle, on our way [hangs up]

DIXIE; wh-who was that?

HEIDI; the hospital!! NOAH IS ALIVE AND BREATHING! come on we need to go

DIXIE; WHAT?! [starts sprinting towards the hospital at full speed] [runs into Noah's room] BABY!? YOU'RE OKAY!!!!!!!!!! [crying]

NOAH; [on a breathing machine] h-h-hi b-bab-y [talking very slow and stopping mid-word]

DIXIE; i'm so so sorry baby, i should never have left before surgery!

NOAH; i-it-s ok-ka-y l-lov-ve, ju-st ki-ss m-me [faintly smiles and slowly removes the breathing mask]

DIXIE; [giggles and presses her lips against his] i love you to the moon and back!

NOAH; I-I lo-ve y-you to in-fin-finity an-d be-yond-d

DIXIE; [pulls the mask back over his mouth and nose] shh baby, focus on your breathing and try not to talk ok?

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