29) Goodbyes

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(a/n sorry for the jump but no one is leaving ideas so I have to)


NOAH; bubs?

DIXIE; what's up baby? [kisses him]

NOAH; so umm... you're leaving tomorrow and I love yo so much so I umm... I wrote a song

DIXIE; [tears up] for me?

NOAH; no better person to write one for [smiles]

DIXIE; can I hear it? [excited]

NOAH; of course [grabs his guitar] (a/n its a story and yes I do know he doesn't play guitar!!)

(a/n listen to the lyrics because they actually make sense to the situation they are in)

DIXIE; [crying softly] it's amazing baby!

NOAH; you like it? [blushes]

DIXIE; I love it, thank you so much [kisses him]

NOAH; [kisses back] you're my everything baby, I don't know what I'll do without you, but I'll figure it out tomorrow morning when you're gone.... love you so much

DIXIE; [tears in her eyes] you're the best.... never forget that, and promise me when I come home for spring break you'll be here for me?

NOAH; I could never not be here for you baby! now lets cuddle and go to sleep, big day tomorrow!

DIXIE; omg! I forgot you move into sway tomorrow! and I cant even be here for it.... what a great girlfriend, am I right [sarcasm]

NOAH; yup you're right, the best girlfriend in the world right here! baby... you got me into sway in the first place... if it wasn't for you they wouldn't even know who I am!

DIXIE; youre so cute, how will I ever live without you?

NOAH; same here [smiles and kisses her]

AUTHOR'S POV; they lay down and cuddle in bed

DIXIE; will you ever come back here?

NOAH; what do you mean baby?

DIXIE; like will you ever come here and just remind your self of me?

NOAH; every day baby, I promise! and i'll come visit the kids and your mom.... wait are you sure its ok with your mom if I move out and im not here to mind the kids?

DIXIE; [giggles] yes baby im sure! goodnight

NOAH; goodnight princess!

AUTHOR'S POV; they fall asleep and it is now the next morning and kate has come to pick dixie up as they are going to the airport together and the same college, noah, dixie, kate, Heidi, Tyler and CJ are in the living room...

DIXIE; [sighs] I guess its time for me to leave...

NOAH; don't cry noah don't cry [says jokingly]

DIXIE; [gives him a huge hug with her head on his chest] love you Mr. Beck!

NOAH; love you more D'Amelio!

TYLER; bye mommy! im gonna miss you [tears in his eyes]

CJ; me too [crying]

DIXIE; don't worry guys ill be back before you know it!

HEIDI; promise to not forget about us? [tearing up]

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