21) Never This Happy...

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DOC; unfortunately not Mr. Beck...

NOAH; [covers his face with his hands]

DIXIE; I'll be here for you every step of the way, you will be fine [looks at the doctor] can we have a minute?

DOC; take as long as you need [smiles and leaves]

DIXIE; shh, come here, give me a hug

NOAH; I love you baby [lightly hugs her]

DIXIE; I love you more! Now get some rest handsome

AUTHOR'S POV; Noah falls asleep and a few hours later Heidi and the twins are back

HEIDI; [whispers] hey dix, how is he?

DIXIE; he's been asleep for a few hours now

HEIDI; did you get any rest honey?

DIXIE; no, I don't want to take my eyes off him

HEIDI; did the doctors come in with any news?

DIXIE; yeah, 3 broken ribs, broken leg and surgery in the morning

HEIDI; poor thing, I brought the kids back to see him.... and you

CJ; hi mommy [being quiet]

DIXIE; hi my loves [picks them both up]

(a/n btw Noah is hooked up to breathing machines as his broken ribs are putting pressure on his lungs)

TYLER; how is Noah?

DIXIE; he will get better baby I promise, ok? [kisses both their heads and puts them down] can you both go sit on the couch for a bit please

CJ; otay [kisses Noah's hand and walks to the couch]

AUTHOR'S POV; the twin's walk over to the other side of the room and sit on the couch on Dixie's phone.

HEIDI; [sees tears running down Noah's face] Dixie look at him...

DIXIE; [turns around to face Noah and sees the tears] aww my baby [kneels down beside the bed and wipes his tears]

NOAH; [wakes up] baby?

DIXIE; sorry bub, I was just wiping your tears away, you okay?

NOAH; my tears? was I crying?

DIXIE; yeah bubba you were, you in pain? [rubs his cheek]

NOAH; [just nods his head slowly]

DIXIE; you're gonna be so much better after surgery [kisses his head] I promise

NOAH; thank you [smiles] kiss? [baby voice]

DIXIE; [kisses him] better?

NOAH; [nods and smiles]

DIXIE; wanna go back to sleep?

NOAH; no, ill stay awake, and keep you guys company

DIXIE; bubs, you need rest

NOAH; [sighs] ok, but you can leave if you want

DIXIE; no sir! I'm not leaving you here alone!

NOAH; I love y-- [in bad pain] ahhh! fuck, fuck fuck! [holds his ribs] owww shit!

DIXIE; aww baby [holds him tight] try not to move so sudden ok?

NOAH; [holds onto her arms as they're wrapped around him] I-ill try baby, I-I lo-love y-you

AUTHOR'S POV; Dixie is holding Noah tight and slightly crying because she hates seeing him in pain

NOAH; bub don't cry.... I'm fine!

DIXIE; im sorry baby, I just love you so much and I hate seeing you in pain

NOAH; [kisses her] don't worry!

HEIDI; yall are so cute [smiles at them]

DIXIE; [blushes] he's the cute one [smiles]

NOAH; [asleep]

DIXIE; [giggles] I love him mom... I really do

HEIDI; I know you do honey, and he loves you so much too, I can tell, are y'all official?

DIXIE; yeah but no [laughs a bit] I love him, the kids love him, Kate loves him and we started calling each other baby and things like that but he never actually asked me yet and I don't really want it to be a big deal either though....

HEIDI; I know honey, I just love seeing you happy, you were never this happy with Griff or Nick....

DIXIE; we don't speak about the both of them mom!

HEIDI; sorry honey but he's perfect for you!

DIXIE; [still hugging Noah while he's asleep and kisses his head] whispers* I love you baby, you are so strong and surgery will be fine tomorrow, I promise and I will be here every step of the way

CJ; grandma? [whispering] I'm tired...

HEIDI; ok sweetie [whispering back] are you tired ty?

TYLER; yeah but I don't want to leave Noah.

DIXIE; [whispers] baby, go home and sleep and grandma can bring you to see Noah when he's a bit better ok?

TYLER; [looks down] otay.

DIXIE; [picks him up and whispers] I know you want to stay with him buddy but it isn't safe for you or your sister to be in the hospital for too long, you could catch germs... [puts him down] goodnight my loves, night mom and thanks for everything

HEIDI; no problem honey [kisses her head] tell Noah I said best of luck in the morning okay?

DIXIE; I will mom, goodnight!

AUTHOR'S POV; Heidi leaves with the twins and it is just Dixie and Noah in the room



leave suggestions for this story!! and suggestions for the other story on the A/N chapter please! [writers block is hitting hard right now]

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