97) Breakfast

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hey guys, before this chapter begins i just want to say thank you so much for staying up to date with this book, i love you all, this is also part 105 (including the a/n chapters and update chapters)


NOAH; [stressed out laying on his bed rubbing his face]

DIXIE; [sits on the side of the bed] bud?

NOAH; [looks at her with tears in his eyes]

DIXIE; whats wrong?

NOAH; th-the paparazzi are g-gonna post the video of me b-blowing up and then p-people are g-gonna think th-that im this w-weird kid that cant c-control his fucking a-anger [starts crying] a-and they th-think we are d-dating a-and then y-you're gonna get h-hate for "d-dating"  the w-weird kid

DIXIE; hey! [hugs him] who cares what they think, say or post? only we know the truth and what is actually happening.... they dont know about your mental health....

NOAH; [starts shaking] y-you can leave.... you dont have to b-bother with me anymore, i-im just gonna ruin your life [crying]

DIXIE; noah! [puts her hands on his both shoulders] what are you saying! stop being stupid, i literally told you i love you like an hour ago....

NOAH; y-you really m-meant it?

DIXIE; one thousand percent! [smiles reassuringly] i wouldn't say stuff like that if i didn't mean it!

NOAH; h-how do you d-do it?

DIXIE; do what?

NOAH; always make me feel better [smiles]

DIXIE; [giggles and smiles]

NOAH; [hugs her] thank you....

DIXIE; always [hugs back]

[they hug for a while and then dixie puts her hands on his cheek]

DIXIE; i love you [smiles] and just please remember it doesn't matter what the paparazzi think.... ok?

NOAH; ok [smiles]

DIXIE; now come on, lets go back down to the others

[they walk back downstairs to the kitchen]

BLAKE; everything alright?

DIXIE; perfect [smiles]

NOAH; yep!

BRYCE; that's good!

DIXIE; anyway, what did y'all do while we were gone?

KIO; nothing....

JOSH; yeah, we didn't do much

DIXIE; oh ok..... well, i should get going back home to Rylee

BLAKE; ok [hugs her] tell her i love her!

DIXIE; [hugs back] i will

[dixie says bye to everyone and noah guides her to the door]

NOAH; bye.... [smiles]

DIXIE; bye! [hugs him]

NOAH; [hugs back] whispers* love you....

DIXIE; whispers* love you too [giggles] if it gets bad just call me, ok?

NOAH; [smiles] thank you

DIXIE; [yells to everyone in the kitchen from the front door] bye everyone!! [leaves]

[dixie leaves sway and drives home]

DIXIE; Ashley! (babysitter) im home!

ASHLEY; hi dixie, how was your dinner?

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