33) Ghosting...

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[they hang up and kate is smiling at dixie]

KATE; soo... [smirks]

DIXIE; [hugs her] thank you!

KATE; [hugs back and laughs] for what?

DIXIE; everything!

KATE; no problem!


AUTHOR'S POV; [[1 WEEK LATER]] dixie and noah have been facetiming everyday and night, dixie and kate have been hanging out with the 'squad' everyday after classes, they started classes on Monday it is now after school on Friday, and they are walking back to their dorms after school


NATE; so, we meeting up at the park in an hour still?

DIXIE; I'm down!

KATE; same

KOUVR; me and alex are too!

AISHA; i guess i can put up with you losers for another few hours... [says jokingly]

NATE; cool! meet here in an hour and don't be late Ms D'Amelio!

DIXIE; [laughs] no prom--

KATE; [cuts her off] i wont let her be late [laughs]

DIXIE; [laughs]

AUTHOR'S POV; they all go their separate ways to their dorms

[[1 hour later]]

KATE; come on bestie!! we can't be late!

DIXIE; [laughs] ok, ok I'm coming!

AUTHOR'S POV; they go out to the hall and see the others waiting outside nate and Aisha's dorm

NATE; alright! we are all here! lets go!

DIXIE; [doesn't walk] i refuse [laughs]

KOUVR; [stops walking] me too [laughs]

NATE&ALEX; [playfully roll their eyes] ugh! fine.... [picks them up for a piggy back]

DIXIE&KOUVR; [high five and giggle] mission complete!

DIXIE; thanks nate [lays her head on his shoulder]

NATE; long day huh?

KOUVR; very [dramatic]

[they all laugh, and a few minutes of walking and they get to the park]

ALEX; [puts kouvr down] here we go! [smiles]

NATE; I'm guessing you don't want to be put down?

DIXIE; you guessed correct [smiles]

[her phone rings]

NATE; now you don't have a choice [puts her down]

DIXIE; ugh fine! [walks out of ear shot of the others and answers her phone] hey babe!

NOAH; hey bub-- oh, looks like youre busy, i can call you later if you want...

DIXIE; nope! i want to talk to you for a bit! I've been with them all day

NOAH; [laughs] how were today's classes?

DIXIE; boring! i had 2 lectures [rolls her eyes]

NOAH; i know they are boring bub, but look at it this way, you are gonna be so smart when these 2 years of college are over! oh and i have news!

DIXIE; what is it bub! tell me

NOAH; so my parents are moving to L.A from AZ [excited]

DIXIE; baby that's amazing!

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