19) The Accident

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[[[[meanwhile at school with Dixie]]]]

KATE; morning bestie!!

DIXIE; morningggg!!

KATE; how are you today?

DIXIE; amazing, how are you?

KATE; fantastic [laughs]

DIXIE; lets go to our lockers!

AUTHOR'S POV; the girls link arms and walk to their lockers, they get their books and go to class

STUDENT 1; hey dix?

DIXIE; [turns around] yeah wassup?

STUDENT 1; wanna come to my party tonight?

DIXIE; umm... yeah sure I guess

STUDENT 1; ok cool, you wanna come Kate?

KATE; yeah sure!

STUDENT 1; ok see y'all there [goes and sits down]

[[[[meanwhile with Noah]]]]

NOAH; morning guys!

CJ; morning Noah!

TYLER; good morning!

NOAH; what do you wanna do today?

CJ&TYLER; movie!!

NOAH; a movie? that sounds good! lets get you guys dressed!

AUTHOR'S POV; Noah gets the kids dressed and walks down stairs with them, they go into the kitchen and make breakfast, and now they are in the movie room.

NOAH; I just need to get my hoodie guys, ill be back in a second, be good!

AUTHOR'S POV; Noah leaves the room and runs up the stairs, he trips on the stairs and just lies there in pain for about 20 minutes before Heidi comes out of her room and see Noah on the stairs in pain

HEIDI; NOAH!? what happened?

NOAH; [groans in pain]

HEIDI; ok lets get you into the car and to the hospital!

NOAH; th-the k-kids [groans in pain] aaagh, fuck!

HEIDI; yeah ill get the kids in the car and ill come back in for you

NOAH; aagh, yeah thats f-fine [wincing in pain]

HEIDI; I'll be quick! [Runs to the movie room] guys, come quick! We need to get into the car!

CJ; but Noah pwomised movie?

HEIDI; I know but Noah hurt himself sweetie

TYLER; is he ok? [worried]

HEIDI; i don't know yet bud, we have to go to the hospital!

CJ; otay! Wets go Ty! [holds Tyler's hand and walks to the car with Heidi]

HEIDI; [straps them into their car seats, and goes back inside] I'm back, are you okay?

NOAH; I-I.... y-yeah I'm f-fine [shouts in pain] owww fuck, fuck [holds his stomach]

HEIDI; do you want me to grab anything first?

NOAH; d-Dixie's s-stuffy p-please...

HEIDI; of course [runs upstairs and grabs the stuffy] here you go! [hands him zozo]

NOAH; th-thanks! Owww [cries in pain]

HEIDI; ok you're gonna have to be patient because you are much stronger than me and this might take a while...

NOAH; that's f-fine m-Mrs D'Amelio, j-just do what you c-can...

AUTHORS POV; after 10 minutes Heidi finally gets Noah to the car and she drives to the hospital, when they arrive at the hospital heidi calls a doctor over

DOCTOR; this room right here, follow me! Lay on the bed here!

NOAH; [lays on the bed] th-thanks doc

HEIDI; [hands him the stuffy] here squeeze this!

NOAH; thank y-you Mrs D'Amelio [throws himself back on the bed with pain]

HEIDI; would you like me to call dixie?

NOAH; n-no, d-don't bother her in s-school, I d-don't want her to w-worry...

HEIDI; are you sure Noah, I can ring the principle to excuse her from class.....

NOAH; umm..... yes I mean no! don't call her!

HEIDI; ok... *thinking* I am so calling her!

AUTHOR'S POV; the doctor comes back into the room,

DOCTOR; what seems to be the matter?

HEIDI; he fell on the stairs

DOCTOR; ok, would you be able to tell me what hurts sir?

NOAH; m-my r-ribs and l-leg [in pain]

DOCTOR; ok, im going to get the x-ray ready to have a better look at what's wrong

HEIDI; thanks doc! [doc leaves] I was going to take the little ones outside for a little walk, is that ok or do you want me to stay?

NOAH; no, of course g-go ahead!

HEIDI; thanks Noah, come on you guys!

AUTHORS POV; Heidi goes outside, finds a bench and sits down with the twins to text dixie

AUTHORS POV; Heidi goes outside, finds a bench and sits down with the twins to text dixie

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AUTHORS POV; Heidi goes back inside the hospital to be with Noah

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AUTHORS POV; Heidi goes back inside the hospital to be with Noah

[[[[on the way back]]]]

CJ; grandma?

HEIDI; yes sweetie?

CJ; w-will noah be otay??

HEIDI; I hope so baby! mommy is on her way, she will be here soon!

TYLER; I hope noah will be ok...

HEIDI; we all do buddy!

[[[[they get back inside]]]]

NOAH; oh, you're back?

HEIDI; yeah, they didn't want to go for a walk after all... [lies]

NOAH; oh ok, [in pain again] th-the doc came in and s-said the x-r-ray will b-be in a minute...

HEIDI; that's great! [kisses his head] you're so strong Noah, I promise you'll be fine!

TYLER; [kisses his head]

NOAH; thanks bud!

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