91) Ending Things

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DIXIE; leave Noah! I never want to see you again (takes Rylee from him)

NOAH; give me my daughter back!

DIXIE; no!

NOAH; I'm not leaving without my daughter!

DIXIE; Noah! Leave now, we're over; (throws the ring on the ground)

NOAH; well if she's raised by you, she's gonna be a little bitch just like her mom! (Runs off)

RYLEE; (crying)

DIXIE; (rocks her back and forth) shh, baby, it's ok

(Rylee stops crying and Dixie lays her in her cot and sits beside her)

DIXIE; it's just you and me now Ry, no more dada (crying)

(Meanwhile with Noah)

NOAH; (crying while driving home) (arrives home and knocks on the door)

TIM; (opens the door)

NOAH; h-hey dad....

TIM; hey bud.. why are you crying?

NOAH; me and Dixie ended things.....

TIM; what? Why?

NOAH; I'll explain in a minute can I come in?

TIM; of course, Amy and Tatum are in the living room

(They go inside)

AMY; hey bud what's up?

NOAH; (still crying and sits down)

TATUM; is everything ok?

NOAH; (shakes his head no and doesn't look at them

TIM; he said him and Dix ended things.....

TATUM; what!?

AMY; why?

NOAH; I wasn't putting enough effort into the marriage..... (lies)

TATUM; (hugs him) I'm so sorry bro

NOAH; (hugs back and cries)

AMY; (lightly crying) what happens with Rylee?

NOAH; Dixie gets to keep her (cries harder into his hands)

TIM; (rubs his back) maybe it just wasn't meant to be.....

NOAH; I fucking love that girl dad!! and Rylee was my everything!

AMY; (hugs him) I know bud...

NOAH; I-I need a W-walk.... (leaves)

TATUM; (starts crying)

AMY; I know it's sad Tate but we have to stay strong for him

(Meanwhile with Noah)

NOAH; (gathers himself and stops crying) (paparazzi walks up to him)

PAP; Noah! Noah!

NOAH; hey guys.....

PAP; where's Dixie and Rylee?

NOAH; thinking* don't say it Noah, Dixie wouldn't want the media to know yet..... you know what, fuck dixie*

NOAH; me and Dixie actually just ended things

PAP; (speechless) I'm so sorry to hear that, would you mind saying why?

NOAH; I'm not gonna say exactly why but the fans know, my comments section was full with it

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