17) Caught in the act

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AUTHOR'S POV; they go upstairs to the playroom with the kids

CJ; Noah!! [runs and jumps in his arms]

NOAH; hey princess! [picks her up]

DIXIE; what are you guys playing?

TYLER; cars!

NOAH; oh cool! can I play?

TYLER; [hands him a car] yeah!

AUTHOR'S POV; Noah kneels down on the ground with Tyler and they play cars while Dixie and CJ play princesses

NOAH; y'all having fun [laughs a bit]

DIXIE; [sarcastically but CJ doesn't notice] SOOO much fun [giggles]

AUTHOR'S POV; they play for an hour and now its the twins bedtime

DIXIE; bedtime!!

TYLER; 5 more minutes mommy? pleaseeeee

DIXIE; no buddy, mommy needs to go to bed

NOAH; yeah, mommy is tired after her long day at school, we can play again tomorrow bud, I promise!

TYLER; ok...

AUTHOR'S POV; they all leave the playroom and go to the twins room, Noah gets Tyler into his pyjamas and Dixie gets CJ into hers.

NOAH; night guys!

DIXIE; goodnight my babies! I love you

CJ&TYLER; love you too mommy!


AUTHOR'S POV; Noah and Dixie leave the room and close the door, Noah picks Dixie up and she wraps her legs around him, they kiss and Noah carries her to his room without breaking the kiss. Noah throws her on the bed gently and gets on top of her, he starts kissing her neck and she lets out soft moans into his ear making him "excited" he takes off his shirt first and then hers, they make out for a little while longer until Dixie says "s-stop teasing m-me, and p-put it I-in" "your wish is my command babygirl" he takes off his pants and underwear and looks at her for permission to take off hers, she nods at him and he takes them off, he puts his dick inside of her slowly allowing her to adjust, she moans loudly and he kisses her to make her quiet down, "you're really enjoying this huh?" he says with a smirk on his face she moans again and says "m-mhmm, g-go f-faster N-Noah" "what's my name?" "go f-faster daddy" (a/n- I am truly sorry, I'm cringing so hard right now) "okay princess, if you say so" Noah thrusts in and out as fast as he can go "you're so not gonna be able to walk after this" "I-I d-don't ca-care" she moans again, "ride me baby!" Dixie flips him over so she's on top, she rides him for a while until he flips her back over, "ok times up for now babygirl, my turn again" he kisses her neck and she moans softly in his ear "I-I'm go-gonna cum daddy!" Dixie says, Noah replies with "ok princess, in 3...2...1..." they both cum at the same time and Noah says, "Woah baby! that was a lot" they both flop back on the bed and catch their breaths

NOAH; [breathing heavy] I-I love y-you

DIXIE; I-I love you m-more

NOAH; wanna get cleaned up or go for round two?

DIXIE; [gets on top of him] round two daddy!

NOAH; okay but you're not gonna be on top!

DIXIE; oh yeah? watch me!

AUTHOR'S POV; Dixie puts his dick inside of her and she rides him again, he moans loudly but she kisses him to shut him up, "daddy shh, the twins are asleep down the hall!" "sorry bbg, you're just so good, I cant help it" she goes faster and he throws his head back, just as he throws his head back the door opens.....

MARC; [opens the door] Noah, have you seen di-- DIXIE JANE!!

NOAH; [pulls the covers over both of them]


MARC; what the fuck are you doing!?

DIXIE; nothing now, GET OUT!

MARC; NO! now explain what the fuck you are doing naked, in the fucking bed with the stupid babysitter!

DIXIE; he is not fucking stupid dad, this is the last time I'm gonna say it! GET OUT!

MARC; you have some explaining to do young lady! [leaves and slams the door]

DIXIE; [flops her head back on the bed] ugh!!

NOAH; [turns to face her] hey, its ok! [moves the hair from her face] at least we had out fun [smirks]

DIXIE; yeah.... [stares blankly into space]

NOAH; did you not have fun?

DIXIE; [stares into space]

NOAH; dix? [waves his hand in front of her]

DIXIE; [snaps out of it] hmm? what were you saying?

NOAH; never mind [lays back on the bed]

DIXIE; I'm sorry, I was just stuck in my thoughts, what were you saying?

NOAH; its fine, don't worry about it [kisses her]

DIXIE; [lays on his chest]

NOAH; we should get dressed and go down to your dad...

DIXIE; you're right....

AUTHOR'S POV; Dixie and Noah get up and take a 20 second shower to wash off and get cleaned up, they get dressed and go downstairs

DIXIE; what do you want dad?

MARC; [walks towards her mad] what the fuck do you think you're doing with the kids fucking babysitter?

DIXIE; I don't care!

MARC; [about to hit her]

NOAH; [steps in front of her and takes the hit] Woah, Woah, Woah! what the FUCK do you think you are doing!? [squares up to him]

MARC; what does it look like? [tries to shove Noah out of the way]

NOAH; [doesn't move an inch, laughs a bit] think you're strong do ya?

MARC; what do you think you're doing? get out of my way NOW!

NOAH; not a fucking chance am I getting out of the way, just to let you hit your daughter?

MARC; she needs to learn somehow!

NOAH; dont say another fucking WORD! LEAVE!

MARC; this is MY house!

NOAH; I SAID LEAVE! NOW! [shoves him out the door]

DIXIE; [so scared, she isn't even crying]

NOAH; come here [hugs her] I will never let him hit you

DIXIE; Th-thank you

HEIDI; [sees it all from behind the door frame] [walks into the room] thank you so much Noah!

NOAH; [turns around] no problem, I'm sorry for shouting...

HEIDI; don't be sorry, he deserved it, you're an amazing man Noah, thank you so much

NOAH; [smiles] thank you Mrs. D'Amelio, I will always protect, you your daughter and the twins, and ill make sure he doesn't come back

HEIDI; [side hugs him] thank you!

DIXIE; thank you noah [hugs him tight]

NOAH; [picks her up] lets go to bed!

HEIDI; good night you two [smiles and locks the door so marc doesn't come back]

I hate this chapter lol, writing smut actually kills me inside lol, love yall!

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