55 Unlimited Boundries

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In another part of the Palace, the door to Loki's chambers slammed open, sending echoes through the empty halls. Farther down where it intersected with another corridor the guard there turned with his spear rising in defense. He peered into the dimness then gave a shiver. He had no desire to go searching for the source of that sound but he knew his duty. He just had no plans to fulfill it alone so he turned and went to get the nearest guard to go with him.

In the chamber, a green glow slowly grew in intensity until taking the form of its creator. Loki stood glaring at the darkness surrounding him, the girl had not returned to him at the instructed time. Now there was a need to know if she had deserted him or had been detained for some reason. Her punishment would depend on which one had occurred.

The fact that he had been designed as a ward to keep trespassers from entering these chambers meant little now. He was changing, he was thinking about more than simple tricks to keep out those who failed to show the proper respect to personal boundaries. He had a growing need that went beyond those boundaries, one that required him to push at them until he found a way to make them give. 

Approaching the open doorway he paused, listening. There was nothing that he could sense, silence filled the hallway while faint light only but shadows on the walls. Taking a deep breath that was only an affectation since this form had no need to breathe, he pushed his magic into his hand. 

The details grew more visible, the veins, and those few scars that were acceptable to the Asir people since they were gained in combat. The nails on the long fingers, the smoothness of pale skin. A palm that was even paler, the lines that crossed over it.

Once it was solid he rubbed the fingers together, feeling the skin on the pads of each one. There was the faint sound of the skin touching as he increased the pressure until he reached out and pushed towards the doorway, palm out. Loki focused on concentrating on every part of the power that flowed in this form. His hand abruptly vanished once past the wards on the doorway.

Loki gave a growl of frustration as he pulled back, his hand reappearing. In this form, he seemed unable to pass the wards. There had been no need to be created with that ability, not even to mention that it would have required a greater power source than a simple spell. 

With another noise, this time one of determination, Loki gathered his power to try again. And again. And again. Always gathering more from the rest of him in the hopes of making his hand contain enough power to push past the wards. Each attempt a failure.

He pulled more from himself, nearly becoming a faded form as he tried to recklessly shove all his seidr into his hand while giving a snarling grunt that stretched out. As soon as his hand touched the ward, it disappeared. So intent on this exertion was he that he was unprepared to come face to face with two guards that suddenly appeared in the doorway, spears pointing at his face.

The guard's eyes bulged when faced with the escaped Prince standing in the open doorway. They had truly not expected anyone to be there, most certainly not the actual Dark One himself. The fact that he was reaching out for them only caused their spears to jab forward in defense.

Loki gave his own yelp of surprise and promptly vanished in a snap of green sparks that burst out in all directions.

Both guards jerked back from the sparks as they leaped out into the hall. Recovering from their surprise, they moved forward into the darkness, one rushing to where a thin line of light gave away the point where the two ends of the drapes met. Ripping one side open the room was flooded in sunlight. They searched the room, quickly though with thoroughness. The next room was searched just as efficiently as were all the others. Not finding the Prince they hurried back to the doorway, one guard remaining in the hall facing the open door while the other went to fetch reinforcements and to send word to the AllFather. 

The Dark Prince had been spotted and the entire Realm needed to be put on alert. 

Working Title : Loki & AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now