Chapter X

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Chapter 10: Caught

I hate lying more than anything. Especially if I have to lie to my teacher. If he ever finds out, I will be in big trouble, though it wasn't necessarily about the lesson but life outside school. But during the class, as he asked me to come to the front and I refused twice, I think he might see it as wrong and give me a bad grade.

He wouldn't? He knows I know my thing and how I am. Would he give a low grade based on one class?

Lying about dancing is even worse than lying about something else.

Going to the teachers about this, about being ''bullied'' or bossed, wouldn't help. Either way, our talking might seem suspicious to others, and I don't want to make Hoseok explain and defend himself about a thing that never existed.

I arrived at my locker to put my dancing clothes in it and take the next lesson books out when the door was closed, nearly leaving my fingers in it. That would have hurt.

I turned to look at the person who slammed it closed and saw one of the girls from the dance class. But she wasn't the leader or whatever she wanted to be called. I looked at my other side and saw another girl.

''Turn over here bitch,'' I heard a voice behind me and cursed. Of course, she would be here.

I turned to look at her, and she was a few feet away. ''Joohyun, was that your name? Can you leave me alone? I did everything you wanted.''

She scoffed. ''Clearly, my message didn't go through your head. I told you to not be close to him at all. Coming to a class and being asked to the front is not what I want.''

''I cannot skip a class, and I made excuses to not be in the front. What else do you want from me?'' I asked, folding my arms. I won't show my innocent side. ''Besides, we two have nothing. He is my teacher and yours if I need to remind you.''

Joohyun didn't like my tone, and she was about to slap me, but then she saw one teacher walk from the corner.

''Do not interrupt me! What choreography was he talking about? Does this mean you two have been seeing each other outside school or what?'' Joohyun asked.

''It is none of your business,'' I said. ''You don't own Hoseok, and wouldn't you do the same as I do now if I ''allowed'' you to be with him? What makes you think I won't take a picture and tell the teachers?''

Joohyun screamed in frustration as the bell rang. I pushed the other girl out of my way and went towards my next class, leaving them there. Thank you.

However, it might have saved me now, but once they find me again after that little saying, they won't hesitate to act against me.

Once the next class was over, I felt pretty good. I was understanding the calculations the math teacher gave us to do. We were supposed to do the exercises with a partner, and I partnered up with a girl named Lia, who sat next to me in class.

She isn't a very talkative person. I sensed she was a bit shy. But with me, she smiled widely and talked quite a lot. She is very wise in math, and I was happy to be her partner when she had to explain a few.

''It was a nice class,'' she said as we exited the classroom together.

''Yeah, it was. It is nice to meet you,'' I smiled, which made Lia smile.

''Nice to meet you too. You seem super nice, and you're one of the few who talks to me,'' Lia said, now looking sad. She explained how she had been in the States half of her life, so people saw her as a stranger or a foreign, though she's lived in Korea for almost ten years.

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