Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: Whispers in the shadows

The next morning, I entered the school with a renewed sense of determination. After the confrontation with Joohyun in the backyard, I had hoped things would calm down, that perhaps he would finally back off. But as I walked through the corridors, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different.

At first, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Students were talking in hushed tones, their gazes flickering toward me before quickly turning away when I caught their eyes. The usual friendly nods and smiles were absent, replaced by uncomfortable glances and whispered conversations.

I tried to ignore it, focusing on the upcoming practice. After all, I had bigger things to worry about – like perfecting my routine for the upcoming competition. But as I entered the changing room, the murmurings became impossible to ignore.

Two girls, who were usually friendly, suddenly stopped talking when I walked in. They exchanged awkward looks before one of them offered a forced smile. I smiled back, pretending I didn't notice their sudden silence. But the tension was palpable.

As I changed into my dance clothes, I overheard snippets of conversation from the other side of the room.

"...did you hear? Hoseok and her..." "...I saw them together after practice, it looked..." "...I mean, he's her teacher, right? Isn't that...?"

My heart sank. The whispers weren't about just anything – they were about me. And Hoseok.

I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I finished getting ready. What was Joohyun up to this time? Was this part of his plan to isolate me, to make me feel unwelcome? It had to be. The thought of him spreading lies about me and Hoseok made my stomach churn with anger and fear.

When I walked into the dance studio, the atmosphere felt even heavier. I could sense the stares, the quiet conversations that died down as soon as I approached. Even Jimin and Jungkook seemed to notice. They shot me concerned looks, but I tried to shrug it off, pretending nothing was wrong.

Hoseok entered the studio shortly after, his usual calm and professional demeanor in place. But even he seemed to pick up on the strange atmosphere. His eyes briefly met mine, and I saw a flicker of concern.

As we began the warm-up, I tried to focus on the movements, and on the rhythm of the music. But it was impossible to ignore the tension in the room. The whispers weren't just in the hallway anymore – they were here, in the very place where I'd always felt safe.

During a break, Jimin finally approached me, his brow furrowed in concern. "Y/N, have you heard what people are saying?"

I nodded, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yeah, I've heard. But it's just rumors, right?"

Jungkook joined us, his expression serious. "It's more than just rumors. Joohyun's been telling people that you and Hoseok...that you're involved."

My stomach dropped. "That's not true! Hoseok is my teacher, nothing more. Why would Joohyun do this?"

Jimin sighed. "She's trying to get to you, to make you feel unwelcome. She's jealous, Y/N. Everyone can see your talent, and she knows it too."

"But this could ruin everything," I whispered. "If people start believing this, it could affect my position here...and Hoseok's career."

Jungkook nodded. "We need to talk to Hoseok. He should know what's going on."

I hesitated. The last thing I wanted was to drag Hoseok into this mess, but they were right – he needed to know. Before I could overthink it, the decision was made. After practice, I would talk to him.

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