Chapter VI

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Chapter 6: Motivator



I see Hoseok standing in the doorway, leaning on it. He then made his way to us slowly, or at least it felt like it. I cannot believe he just saw what I did.

I feel embarrassed.

''Dude, what are you doing here?'' Jungkook asked as the guys greeted themselves the way I always see men do. They do a handshake, hug, and pat.

''This is my studio, remember?'' he laughed and showed the smile I saw in his lesson. He has a bright smile, and you genuinely see he enjoys what he does and isn't pretending to be something else. How did I not realize this was the studio he was talking about? I should have put the pieces together.

''It's not yours fully,'' Jimin noted while I stood there saying nothing and trying to hide from him and the world. I don't know why I felt so comfortable with him at school, but now I don't.

Maybe it's because he is my teacher after all? Isn't it usually awkward to meet them outside school? You feel uneasy, don't know what to do, and should you say hi or act like you do in school.

''I saw you were working on my choreography?'' Hoseok now turned to me, and I went pale.

Was it his choreography? Now my world officially ended.

''Y-yeah, I didn't know it was yours. These two just invited me here, and I got curious, so I tried it,'' I said nervously. I'm never this nervous, never. ''But I haven't practiced it for a long time. It must have been awful.''

Hoseok chuckled. ''Then why do you think I clapped? It looked good. I wasn't wrong when I said you learn quickly and know your place on the dance floor. It is something to admire.''

Wow, I felt honored to hear something like that. I've had many dance teachers throughout my school years, but for the first time, Hoseok could be the one getting me far to reach my goals.

''Want to try it again?'' he asked.

''S-sure.'' I stuttered again and mentally slapped myself. Now you cannot mess up.

Jimin put the music on, and Hoseok started to count. I tried to recall the moves I just did because his appearance just cleared everything from my head.

After two minutes of the song, I felt like I got this. We looked good together. It felt so strange to even think about that.

The song ended, and we both were out of breath. Jimin and Jungkook clapped enthusiastically and stopped the music player.

''Wow, that was something! Y/n, you ate up the moves! How?'' Jimin asked excitedly.

''I don't know if I said this, but dancing has always been one of my passions, and I have just learned since very little. Memorizing moves is one of my talents, I guess.'' I laughed nervously.

''Well, then you're like a twin of Hoseok. He has been dancing since young-age too, and he is applying higher.'' Jungkook explained, which made me turn to Hoseok to ask for more.


He laughed. ''Oh yeah. I'm trying to apply to the dance school in Seoul to either become an idol or a choreographer for artists.'' he scratched the back of his neck as it would have sounded weird, in my opinion.

''You seem like you don't want people to know?'' I asked.

''Yeah. When I have met people, they say my dream is a little off. They believe it is too hard to achieve and that I should try something else. Even my parents think that.'' he said.

I smiled at him assuringly. ''I think your dream is awesome. Is this why you're teaching us at school and have this studio?''

''Yes, it is my portfolio, you know. I work at school to get a good reputation for the school I'm applying to and get recommendations from people to help me get in and show I'm serious with this.'' He explained.

He is so passionate about this, and I admire that. Moving here starts to seem less bad than it was at the beginning. I might enjoy being here.

We stayed dancing a bit, but I could tell Hoseok didn't want to open up more when I was with them. But I understand it. I'm new and his student, so he must be thinking that too.

Regardless, I enjoyed the evening, and when I went home, I couldn't stop smiling.

''You were out late. I was just about to call you if you got lost.'' my mom closed her book while sitting in the living room, which was full of boxes still.

I sat down in front of her on the other couch. ''Yeah. I found new friends who led me to a dance studio nearby. I met them at the park on our first day here, and they go to the same school.'' I told her.

My mom smiled at me sweetly. ''I'm glad you found friends, honey. And a place to dance. But remember what we talked about. The school first before the dance. I don't want to forbid you from visiting the studio because your grades are down again.''

''Don't worry, Mom,'' I assured her and went to my room.

I think I found a pretty good motivator.

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