Chapter XII

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Chapter 12: Caught in a lie

Lia rushed down immediately after seeing Joohyun and her friends turn from the corner. She had tears in her eyes because of what happened. Lia had never witnessed anything like this. She knew Joohyun could be unpredictable but never thought she would go this far. Lia hated herself for being such a coward and not helping you as she should have.

As she got down onto your level where you were lying in pain, holding onto your leg that was starting to swollen a bit, she tried to catch her breath and calm herself down. 

''Y/n, I'm so sorry are you okay?'' she asked in worry.

''Why are you saying sorry for? You weren't the one pushing me down the stairs, that bitch did, and she is going to pay for it,'' you said as you tried to get up from the floor, but the stinging pain that came from your leg did not allow you to stand yet to stand up. The pain in your head was also making you a bit dizzy.

''Don't try to get up. You hurt your leg pretty hard,'' Lia commanded. ''And I'm sorry because I did not defend you but curled up to a tiny ball out of the way.''

Lia lowered her head. You understood why she did what she did and did not try to stop Joohyun, so you weren't mad at her. ''She put you in the corner. If I knew she did this, I would have kept my mouth shut too.''

''So don't worry about it. I'm just glad Joohyun did not hurt you,'' You smiled at her, assuring her that it was fine.

''I should help you to the nurse. Should I go ask for some help?'' Lia asked, but you shook your head.

''I don't think it's that bad. If I lean on you, I think I can stand up with one leg,'' you said as Lia hooked her arm under your arms and put your hand around her shoulder. Lia used all her strength to lift you so you wouldn't have to put any weight on the injured leg.

Somehow, you could stand up while holding your leg up. The world moved because of the headache. You waited a little while to get back on the sight of seeing everything at once before allowing Lia to help you walk towards the school nurse.

We made our way to the nurse, and the pain in my leg was getting worse. I could feel it swell even more, and I couldn't move my ankle. I did not dare move it an inch as it hurt so bad.

''Okay, let's see,'' the nurse said as she looked at my ankle. As she moved it gently from side to side to get a better look at it or touched it, I hissed every single time. The little movement that was supposed to last only a few seconds, and she wasn't meant to hurt me much, felt like an hour.

Lia was standing next to me as she wasn't having a class at the time being. I was surprised since she said she had one. The nurse insisted her to leave, but she refused.

''How did this happen?'' the nurse asked. 

Lia was about to open her mouth, and I assumed she would tell I was pushed down, but I quickly spoke before she could say anything. ''I dripped near the stairs and lost my balance.''

''You were lucky then. Though I cannot say your ankle was lucky, it's broken. But you could have got seriously hurt. I know those stairs aren't exactly short,'' the nurse said as she moved to her computer to type something.

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