Chapter IV

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Chapter 4: A teacher?

Jimin showed me the way to the girls' locker room and said the guys' was next to it. But it was easy to figure out which was which.

I went in and changed for more comfortable clothing. I wore my grey sweatpants and a white cropped hoodie. I love wearing a little bit of lighter clothing while dancing. And it's more like my style than what the school uniform is.

There were a few other girls in the room as well. I hope to find some friends from here. After all, they are here for the dancing as well. So they have the same interests.

After I was ready, I went to the dancing gym. It was huge, and there were mirrors around it. Good, mirrors are always good.

I saw Jimin talking with his friends in the distance and didn't know if I should go there. But I didn't have to think about it for long after Jimin waved his hand to me and gestured to come closer. I first looked around to see if he meant someone else.

But no, it was me.

''Hey Y/n, you remember Jungkook?'' Jimin asked after I had gotten to them. I looked at the boy, and he immediately looked familiar.

''You're the other one from the guys in the park, right?'' I asked, and he nodded.

''Yeah, it's nice to see you here. What a consequence!'' He smiled. His bunny smile was adorable, and it showed his best side.

Right then, the door opened. ''Oh, the teacher is her. Stay behind us,'' Jimin said, and we turned to the teacher.

''Hello, class!'' The teacher said, and as I looked at him, I grew in shock. It's him. That guy came to me at the park. Is he the teacher?

''Is that the teacher?'' I whispered to Jungkook and Jimin.

''Yes? Why?'' Jimin whispered back.

I didn't get a word from my mouth. I thought the teacher was a student since he was friends with them. Teacher hanging out with students? Isn't that a bad thing? He looks so young, wow.

''Jimin, what are you whispering there? Is it more important than me?'' The teacher asked.

''Oh! I'm sorry, I was telling the rules to the new student,'' Jimin stuttered, and the teacher's attention turned to me. Jimin and Jungkook gathered away from me, showing me to him and the rest of the class. It is what I didn't want to happen.

''Oh, right. The principal told me about a new student. You're Y/n. I'm Jung Hoseok, and my students call me seonsaengnim (a teacher),'' He ended, and I bowed. Doesn't he recognize me?

I could feel all eyes on me, and I wanted to disappear into thin air. Is it really that strict here? I get classes, but this is just dancing. I thought this guy would be a lot more chill. He seemed to be like that.

The class started, and it seemed they already had some routine they did. So I had no idea what they were doing. But my mom has always said I pick up choreographies quickly. And I did it now.

I quickly learned the simple steps, which many girls in the front didn't seem to get.

''New girl, come to the front. You seem to pick up quickly. Others take a good look. It is how you show your interest,'' The teacher said, and I walked to the front, earning hateful looks from the girls.

I don't know, but it seems to me they're here just for the teacher. I mean, Hoseok is good-looking, but why pretend something that you're not?

How can you expect him to look at you and grow feelings for you if you're someone else? The real you will come out eventually. You can't pretend to be like this forever. And your mind won't allow it either. It is something my mother always taught me. Always be yourself.

The choreography was such a blast. I enjoyed it so much. Jimin and Jungkook were dancing near me, and I could see their talents and passion for dancing.

Unlike those girls behind me, all they did was stare at the teacher and sometimes forgot how to dance.

The song ended, and everyone clapped. ''That was good! You can be proud of yourself! The lesson is over. The new girl, come here,'' The teacher said to me, and I could hear scoffing behind me from those girls.

''Yes seonsaengnim?'' I approached him.

''You're good at dancing, and I'm glad you decided to dance in school as well,'' He smiled. So he does remember me from the park. ''You have the potential for our team, and I can see you reaching high if you want to. Good to have you here, welcome,'' He ended smiling brightly.

That smile is probably the widest I have ever seen in my life.

''Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed!'' I bowed at him, and he exited himself.

Then someone put an arm around my shoulder. ''I saw you dancing at the park, but that was amazing just now,'' Jimin smiled when Jungkook as well ruffed my hair.

''Well, thanks, I guess. Dance has always been close to my heart. You two are good too,'' I smiled when I walked over to my water bottle and phone.

''We should hang out more. Do you want to come to eat with us?'' Jungkook suggested.

I hesitated for a while but nodded eventually.

Having two guys as friends isn't a bad thing. At least I have friends who understand my dream and get me.

I exited the lockers and saw the guys waiting for me outside. ''Sorry, it took so long!'' I ran to them, and they told me it was okay.

We walked to the cafeteria and took our food. The guys told us where they usually sit, and we went there. Are there seats for everyone? I mean those high school movies where every group has their table, and it's forbidden to sit in someone else's place.

Life is a movie.

''So, where did you move here?'' Jimin asked as he started eating. I didn't wait for that question, but it was obvious since I was new and had never been here before.

''Hampyeong,'' I answered.

''Oh, so not that far? Why did you move here?'' Jimin kept asking, but I couldn't blame him.

''My mom got a better job from here, and I had no choice but to come with her,'' I responded with a bit low voice because I still beat up mom for it.

''You don't sound like you're okay with it?'' Jungkook came to the conversation. He had been busy eating, and I thought he didn't pay attention.

''Well, all my friends stayed there, and the possibility of dancing was better. Here I don't know anyone, and I don't know where I can dance instead of in school,'' I said.

Mom tried to choose the school for me based on my hobby and passion. She wanted me to continue dancing and follow my dreams.

''We can show you around, and you can always visit our dance teacher's studio and his lessons outside of school,'' Jimin sipped his drink.

''Wait, he has his studio? He teaches outside school as well?'' I asked, and they both nodded. So the address was to hide the dance studio? I thought it was someone else's.

''Yeah, we sometimes attend his classes.''

''You seem close to him? A teacher and students?'' I asked out of curiosity.

''Yeah, well, he isn't much older than we are, but he is a good friend. We have been dancing for years,'' Jungkook smiled proudly.

That explains why they walk with him at the park or know him.

''I'd love to see this dance s-'' I couldn't finish my sentence when the cold liquid dripped from my head. It was streaming down my face and along my body. My reflexes made me lift my arms and have my mouth open.

I slowly turned to see who dared to do this to me.

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