Part 9

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TW: Bl*od descriptions, hospitals

"Kacchan, do you know which hospital they're at?!" I ask him still slightly frantic.

"Yeah. They're at Xxxxxx. It's like 15 minutes from here." He answers.

My eyes widen with excitement as I push past Kacchan and practically run out to get to the car. Mom and Kacchan didn't say anything, they knew that would happen, so they just followed me.

We all climb into the car. I was in the backseat, Kacchan was up front, and mom was driving, obviously.

"Katsuki, do you want me to drive you home?" She asks. I didn't care what she did. I just wanted to see for myself that Aizawa was okay as quickly as possible.

"Nah, I'll just text my mom and tell her we're going to the hospital." He answers and mom nods. That was the first time in a while that he didn't call Auntie, "hag". Well, then again, I'm pretty sure he was more scared of my mom than his mom. She was small, but she could be terrifying.

We drove straight to the hospital. I was just staring out the window. I wanted to think about what I would say to Aizawa, but there was no way he'd be conscious after what happened. So, instead, I thought of what to say to Hizashi. He was sure to be there, and so was Shinsou. But then, I realized that... someone else was going to be there.

AllMight was also badly hurt in that fight. I think they talked about it on the news channel that Himari-Chan was watching after I left the school. I only know that he was even at the USJ because of when I was looking at the news article to try and find out where Aizawa was.

"Hey... Deku?" Kacchan says suddenly.

"Hmm?" I hum questioningly.

"I know you didn't believe me earlier, but he really will be fine. That weird Nomu thing did a number on him, but we have this old lady at UA who can heal wounds and shi-" my mom shot him a look. "-Stuff. It will take a while for him to heal, but he will be okay." He was being surprisingly... kind. I don't think he has ever said anything to me that wasn't ever so slightly insulting in some way. I mean, my mom was there so I guess I understand.

I nod and continue to look out the window. I knew he was okay, but... my mind wouldn't let me believe it until I saw him. He saved me. I couldn't help but worry still. I have only known him for like two weeks and yet... he knows me better than... than my real father.

After what felt like hours, we finally reach the hospital. Gods, why was I still so worried? Kacchan reassured me he would be fine. I still don't even know.

We enter the front doors to the hospital and are flooded with white walls and the awful smell of blood.

"Hi, we are looking for Shota Aizawa." Mom says when we reach the front desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry, no press." The nurse says.

"Do we look like the press?!? We're two teenagers and a mother!" Kacchan half-yells angrily.

"Katsuki!" Mom scolds.

"Um... are you Izuku?" A voice says from behind me. I turned around to see a tall-ish boy with purple hair.

"I'm Shinsou. Hizashi and Aizawa's kid." His voice was rather dull, and kind of bored. His eyes looked upset. He seemed like the type of person who can keep a straight face, but their eyes tell you what they're really feeling.

"Um- hi. Yeah I'm Izuku. This is my mom and one of his students- Bakugo." I say. It felt weird to say his real name.

"Yeah I know who Bakugo is. Hey, anger issues."

"The' hell you call me?!" He asks him, mad.

"Katsuki! Stop yelling!" Mom scolds again.

"Nrg. Sorry Auntie."

"Come with me. My dads are in his room. They told me to stay in the lobby in case any of the students came here." He says.

We all nod and follow him. I cringe slightly at the smell of the hospital as we walk down the hall. I hate hospitals. I probably always will.

"Here." Shinsou says opening the door."Hizashi, Aizawa?"

"Shh!" Hizashi whispers, getting up and walking over to the door, pushing us out.

"He's sleeping and I don't want to wake him up." We all nod. "Hi Izuku, Bakugo, and you must be Miss Midoriya."

"Please, call me Inko." Mom says, he nods with a smile.

"How is he?" I ask before anyone could say anything else.

"He's fine, or at least, will be." He answers. Suddenly, what felt like an 80 pound weight was lifted off of my chest. I guess, hearing him say it made me finally believe it.

"See nerd, I told you. You didn't believe me. Damn your dense." Kacchan says, letting his "Mom Filter" go down.

"Katsuki Bakugo!! That's it, I'm calling your mother." She half yells, pulling out her phone and starting to walk away.

"Uh- wait! No- Auntie hold on!" He stuttered trying to follow her. I start to laugh but when he turns around and looks at me, I hide it with a cough. Shinsou and Hizashi, however, do not try to hide it. He shoots Shinsou a look, decides he isn't worth it, and continues following after mom, leaving me, Shinsou and Hizashi alone.

"Hey Izuku?" Hizashi says.


"As you may know, The UA sports festival is coming up," I nod. "Well, I am announcing for it and was wondering if you wanted to come and watch me. Just to get a feel for the whole studio and recording thing before starting on the radio, ya-know?"

"Yeah! That sounds cool! Plus, I get to learn more about the quirks at UA. I'll also be getting a closer look at some of the fighting styles..." I started muttering.

"Izuku!" Hizashi says, snapping me out of it. I jump a bit and start apologizing. We all talk for a minute, about the sports festival and stuff, before mom and Kacchan come back.

Kacchan was looking down slightly and kind of rubbing his head. Ha! I guess mom literally knocked some sense into him.

"I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee." She beams, happily and walks away.

"Don't. Say. A. Word." He growls.

"What? I didn't say anything!" I say, holding my hands up innocently.

"Yeah, but you wanted to."

I try to hold my laugh but couldn't. He crossed his arms and pouted. The only reason he didn't yell, was fear of my mom seeing him.

Mom comes back with her coffee and we start talking again. Zashi peers in the window every few minutes to check if Aizawa is awake yet. I learned more about Shinsou too!

When Aizawa finally woke up, I nearly cried. I asked him questions about the fight and got super fan-boy-ish about how he saved all of them. That day, I learned what a true hero is. It's someone who, despite everything, keeps fighting for what's right, and doesn't stop, until justice is served.

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