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Hi guys! So I mentioned this deleted chapter to one of you guys and you said to post it so hear it is!

It takes place the morning after Deku tries to off himself and Bakugo saves him. I absolutely hated it after I made it so I deleted it and just made it skip directly to the radio thing.

I thought it went a bit fast and it was all kinda sudden.

Here it is:

TW: Ab*s*ve father

Izuku's POV

I woke up and blinked a few times, trying to collect my surroundings. It was dark, but not because it was still night, but because my face was nuzzled into Kacchans chest. I could feel his hand lightly rubbing small circles my back.

"Mhm..." I hummed, squirming a little.

"You awake?" He whispered softly. I'd never heard Kacchans voice so sweet. Not even... last night... It made me smile. I nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked, tiredly.

"Bout' 1:30. Your mom called you out of school and Aizawa let me stay home."

"Your being sweet."

"Tch. Shut up nerd."

I giggled. "So... I'm guessing that Aizawa also got the note and was there last night. Plus the police? I think I heard sirens."


"Wait a minute... crap!" I sit straight up and Kacchan looked at me in pure confusion. "Iida!"


"Last night I left one of the notes at Iida's house for the rest of class 1-A! You said it was 1:30! He most likely already showed the class and now they probably think I'm dead!" I could feel Kacchan wince slightly at the last word.

"It's fine. If they don't come by here today, and Aizawa doesn't tell them, than I'll tell them when I go back to school tomorrow. Lay down." He said lying back down himself, causing me to sigh with relief and lay down on my back, his arm underneath of me.

"Um...are we... together?" I ask after a minute of silence, somewhat nervous.

"If you want to be, then yeah... I'll be your boyfriend."

"I love you Kacchan, of course I want to be your boyfriend." I said happily.

"I love you too, you dork, but... we should probably get up now."

"I... I don't want to face Mom..."

"Your going to have to at some point Deku."

"...Fine." I mumble, sitting up again. "We should probably get dressed. Most of my clothes are too small for you but I'm sure there are a few things in my closet from relatives who can't seem to get my size right." He chuckled, smirking, sitting up and kissing my cheek before going to my closet and searching through it to find something.

I felt nervous about going out and seeing mom. I didn't know if she would bring it up. I knew that I would probably have more sessions with Hound Dog but that's the only thing I was sure of. I looked over towards Kacchan...Was it an act all this time? Was he actually sweet inside like this all our lives? Whatever. I loved him, he loved me. That's all that mattered.

I got up and grabbed a t-shirt labeled "flannel shirt," and a pair of pants. We both got changed and walked out of my room to the kitchen. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, he squeezed it harder, giving me a little more reassurance.

We peered around the corner to not only see mom, but... my dad. What was he doing here? My mom was across the room. I looked at her a little bit more carefully, she looked kind of uncomfortable. Kacchan seemed to notice too. Let's just say my dad... didn't treat us very well when he lived here, and Kacchan knew that. He moved to America when I was 7. We only talk to him maybe once a year.

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